Any news on the release date yet?

edited May 2010 in Sam & Max
well, the store will be updating today, making it almost exactly a month since episode 1 came out. the next store update would make it over a month since we got episode 1, so I was wondering, is there any news on when episode 2 will be released. After today there are only 2 more store updates left in this month.


  • edited May 2010
    The only thing I know is they said they going to say the release days in a few weeks. Which make no sense for me, but I keep busy doing fan arts.

    The only thing I really, REALLY know is it's not going to get any faster if people keep asking... Let them do the best game they can.
  • edited May 2010
    I'm guessing it's not today, I can't imagine it would just come out without warning. So if you're sure it's going to come out on a store update day (are you talking about PS3 by the way?) I'm going to guess probably one of the other two if it's coming out this month.
  • edited May 2010
    I wonder if 5-16-vision means something more than just that...
  • edited May 2010
    I am not sure it's coming out today, I was just asking because, they said the games are coming out once every month for 5 months (all 5 episodes), and since last episode came out on the 15th of April, it makes today pretty close to a month later, it it's like you say and a couple weeks later that would make it the last update of the month, I also say it does not make since, because you said they would announce it in a few weeks, which is all that's left of the month, I would of expected it closer to the middle of the month (around now) like the last episode.

    And yes I am talking about PS3 I keep forgeting that this is not a Playstation Fourm.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2010
    The release is still a little ways off, but of course will be in this month :)

    I created an official Tomb of Sammun-Mak pre release info thread, because this question has come up a lot lately. I'll update the first post of that thread, as well as that thread's title, with the release date, the moment it's announced.
  • edited May 2010
    ok, thanks for the info, I didn't notice that thread, but it's good to know, I was getting concerned that it may not make it this month. But either way I just bought Nier so I have something to occupy me while I wait.
  • edited May 2010
    chaos789 wrote: »
    ok, thanks for the info, I didn't notice that thread, but it's good to know, I was getting concerned that it may not make it this month. But either way I just bought Nier so I have something to occupy me while I wait.

    I'm pretty sure he created the thread after you posted yours, so don't worry about that.
  • edited May 2010
    Also to clear up a bit of confusion:

    They [I forgot who 'they' were:eek:] said 'they should announce a release date in a few days and to be looking for it [the release] in a few weeks.'

    not, um, the confusing thing you guys said... :D
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