Demo Download Issues

edited May 2010 in Sam & Max
Sincere apologies for posting this but I am having trouble downloading the new demo for Sam & Max. Every time I try my PC wont accept it due to it being from an "unknown publisher".

I've tried installing the certificate to no avail. I'm sorry for posting this here as I'm sure this is more than likely an issue with my computer and nothing you want to hear about but I have nowhere else to turn.

Hopefully, Like minded fans of the genre and franchise will help me through this "difficult moment" and help ye old faithful Telltale get another sale as I don't dare purchase the full game if I cant even get my hands on the demo.

Suggestions appreciated... Insults imminent


  • edited May 2010
    Please!!! Im dying here!!!
  • edited May 2010
    Isn't there a 'trust publisher' / 'download anyway' option on the dialog box that pops up?
  • edited May 2010
    jp-30 wrote: »
    Isn't there a 'trust publisher' / 'download anyway' option on the dialog box that pops up?

    Should be but with Win Vista & Win 7 controls, I suppose it's possible that it may be blocked in a non-admin account. But I'm just speculating. If this is suspected and the OP is using a non-admin user account on his PC, perhaps try it again logged on as an admin?

    Otherwise as said above, there is usually an option to allow it anyway.
  • edited May 2010
    Nope. Just gave me the option 2 close n even when checkin the certificate it said something about insufficient info... only thing I saw missing was an email address! God I wish Telltale had a "Contact us" section!
  • edited May 2010
    Same again, Im the admin... I think this is just 1 of those sods law errors n im gonna need an IT expert 2 gut my entire system 2 get a game running.... :(
    Never mind! Thanks guys, I just hoped it wa a common issue n easily fixed... apparently not! haha
  • edited May 2010
    I'll take one more stab at it. Assuming you are using IE8 or similar:

    Go to Internet Options (in IE8: Tools menu>Internet Options)
    Click on the Security tab
    Click Custom Level button
    Scroll down to the Miscellaneous section and look for 'Launching applications and unsafe files' and make sure it is set to 'prompt' (or at least not set to 'disable').

    That's about all I have. Good luck!

    (That or try another browser. Or another PC and copy the installer to a flash drive.)
  • edited May 2010
    PukeNuke wrote: »
    Nope. Just gave me the option 2 close n even when checkin the certificate it said something about insufficient info... only thing I saw missing was an email address! God I wish Telltale had a "Contact us" section!

    They have that here linked in the footer;

    And also Game support forums here;

    Be sure to tell them your Operating System and browser type.

    Wait - is the issue with downloading or installing?
  • edited May 2010
    both... kinda! its the .exe setup that it just wont accept!
    I'll try both tho.
    Thanks again tho. It was either a response or a sledgehammer 2 my CPU... U just saved me alot of money n a bust arterie!
  • edited May 2010
    oh... n its (S&*£$y)Vista btw... really should have mentioned that earlier!
  • edited May 2010
    Realise Internet Explorer is a pile of crud and go get FireFox, Chrome or Opera
  • edited May 2010
    ....Good point! back in 5!!
  • edited May 2010
    PukeNuke wrote: »
    both... kinda! its the .exe setup that it just wont accept!

    I still don't get whether the exe file downloads ok, but you can't run it. Or whether the file won't even begin to download.
  • edited May 2010
    The .exe downloads but (both save and run) fails the verificaition. Firefox is the closest iv got (only 2 errors of the unverified veriety before working.... only 2 fail on the publishers verification again)!
    I got a screen shot which I'll send 2 telltale n hopefully they'll point out that im bein an R-tard n i'll get it fixed.
    Still, thanks guys! Really appreciate you tryin 2 help :)
  • edited May 2010
    Is it a antivirus / security scan that's stopping things?
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