TF2 Hats... and I get the full Sam & Max 301 game on Steam?

edited May 2010 in Sam & Max
So I preordered the full season here on Telltale; today Steam for Mac came out so even if I don't have Team Fortress 2 I tried the Hats code... and I got the full first episode of season 3 to download on Steam :S

Will the episode unlock the TF2 stuff? will the other 4 episodes be available on Steam too? (for free, I mean, since I paid on


  • edited May 2010
    We don't know about the other episodes, presumably we'll just get them. That was supposed to happen, the hats were inextricably linked to a pre-order purchase of the season from Steam, and just giving it to TTG users was the fastest and easiest solution for them. So yeah, you get the hat and gun skins.
  • edited May 2010
    Ok, thanks, another good move by TTG.
  • edited May 2010
    I just got 302, so apparently, yeah, we got the whole season on Steam...
  • edited May 2010
    302 here as well from the TF2 hat code, having this season tied to my Steam account will just make things handy for the future :)
  • edited May 2010
    Having the season on my favourite gaming platform makes me a happy TTG customer. Thanks again guys you rock.
  • edited May 2010
    I have a question, I have my 302 and I used the code, but I dont own TF2, since I used the code when I eventually buy Team Fortress 2 in likely a couple of week will I have the hats and and guns?
  • edited May 2010
    Remolay wrote: »
    I have a question, I have my 302 and I used the code, but I dont own TF2, since I used the code when I eventually buy Team Fortress 2 in likely a couple of week will I have the hats and and guns?
    Yep, it's associated with your Steam account. I didn't own TF2 when I used the code, and I got the items when I bought the game a couple days ago. Jake said you should be able to get them whenever you buy the game.

    (NOTE: the items don't show up in your inventory until your first in-game death)
  • edited May 2010
    knowing me that first in game death will be two seconds in
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