Something cool I found on YouTube

edited May 2010 in Sam & Max
I was searching for Hit the Road scenes the other day on YouTube to try to compare the voice actors and then this popped up on the related videos.

The maker of the video says that he thinks it's pretty bad but I actually think he did a great job, plus it's just kinda cool to see it in 3D.


  • edited May 2010
    plrichard wrote: »
    I was searching for Hit the Road scenes the other day on YouTube to try to compare the voice actors and then this popped up on the related videos.

    The maker of the video says that he thinks it's pretty bad but I actually think he did a great job, plus it's just kinda cool to see it in 3D.

    Yeah I saw that too. He did a pretty good job.
  • edited May 2010
    plrichard wrote: »
    The maker of the video says that he thinks it's pretty bad but I actually think he did a great job, plus it's just kinda cool to see it in 3D.

    In that case, I'd really like to see something from him that he considers good :eek:

    Thanks for sharing!
  • edited May 2010
    Good find, I'm in art school myself, and that's for sure a lot better than most students early works here.
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