Finally bought Surfin' the Highway

edited May 2010 in Sam & Max
It showed up this morning, actually right when I woke up. Walked downstairs after crawling out of bed and there's the mailman, woohoo!

Read some on the way to class, and back [public transportation, I don't drive an' read folks : D]. I planned to do this for a while, but I'm almost halfway through already [long commute] and now I don't wanna really wait 'till monday to read it again! :D

To be honest, I've never really been HUGE into comics, I've read some now and then throughout my life, but I gotta say I REALLY like this so far, and can easily say: favorite comic series ever. Also read the web-comic here on the TT site a couple days ago. I'm currently bookmarked at Ch.2 of the Road-Trip story, right after the board game. : )

Now I want to get the HtR game, I got to play once for about 15 minutes a long time ago but I could never find my own copy. I'll check LucasArts' site but I have a hunch they're not just selling their old games from 20 years ago on their site... If this is true, if somebody could point me in the right direction I would really appreciate it.

Anyways, just felt like sharing. :) I saw Sam & Max look like littles kids or something
it was the mardi gras hats :D
about 2 pages over so I'm looking forward to seeing what that's all about. : )


  • edited May 2010
    yes, its absolutely fine to post it here. Personally, i love hearing how much people loved the comics. I thought it was absolutely awesome, and im waiting until july to read them again, because i have a few plane trips to save these and "They Stole Max's Brain!" for.
  • edited May 2010
    Catfish33 wrote: »
    edit: it's ok to post this here right?

    Why is it not going to be ok? I can't think in something to say, that's all
  • edited May 2010
    Just bought Hit the Road, less than an hour ago. So my suggestion; search the shops. Gaming ones in particular.

    I really want the comic too. Maybe now with the puzzle agent action... but those shipping costs... *ponders*
  • edited May 2010
    I bought it last Christmas and took advantage of the free shipping... :D
  • edited May 2010
    Just bought Hit the Road, less than an hour ago. So my suggestion; search the shops. Gaming ones in particular.
    Where did you buy it? One of the main gaming stores, or like a thrift store or something?
  • edited May 2010
    Gaming store in one of our "big cities" 10 km away from me.

    EDIT: Notices location. I guess I could just tell the place then :D. Leiden.
  • edited May 2010
    Nice find then. I've been to a quite few game stores and toy stores that sell games, but I've never seen any of the old adventure games there. Heck, not even semi-recent adventure games.
    Though I did see the Dutch version of Spy Fox once. I wonder if that counts...
  • edited May 2010
    I think the place is rather new. Also had several other adventures like Season 1 retail, Ceville, So Blonde etc. I have never seen anywhere else.

    Only got Jack Kane though, not that interested in above titles (okay, season 1 I am but I already got the collector's version).
  • yes, its absolutely fine to post it here. Personally, i love hearing how much people loved the comics. I thought it was absolutely awesome, and im waiting until july to read them again, because i have a few plane trips to save these and "They Stole Max's Brain!" for.

    It's interesting you mention that, because I'm counting on using "Tomb of Sammun-Mak" to keep me busy on the multiple plane trips required to go from Malta and Tunisia (I have to fly to Rome first before I can get to Tunisia! AAAGH!) In any case, Surfin' the Highway and the other comics look like a riot! Let me know what you think of all the "Stucky's" references.

    Also, if anyone happens to own a copy of "The Damned Don't Dance," suppose you could let me see a little of it? For some reason, I'm fascinated by the idea of Sam and Max's family.

    Finally, look out for me on eBay; I found some old copies of SpyFox and other vintage computer games (Edmark FTW!) that I'm planning on selling this summer.

    Edit: Alas, I do not own a single game of Sam and Max that I wish to sell, and I'm keeping "The Devil's Playhouse" for a LONG TIME.
  • edited May 2010
    • Sam & Max Surfin' the Highway (Paperback)
    Your Serial Number for Sam & Max Surfin' the Highway (Paperback):
    Lol, what?

    I don't remember other e-mails posting that under non-game items...
    EDIT: Nevermind, guess it's just a faulty memory, checking older mails reveals the same there...
  • edited May 2010
    It's a great book, good to hear you're enjoying it.
  • edited May 2010
    Oh goody, I ordered a copy with Puzzle Agent, can't wait to read it. =]
  • edited May 2010
    shall I spoil it for you?
  • edited May 2010
    Only if I get to kill you if you do...
  • edited May 2010
    Alright, here's the spoiler:

    It ends with (not including the artwork) a Sam & Max and gratuitous violence. Who would have guessed?
  • edited May 2010
    I really like the comic.... but I have to tell you they are funnier in the games..

    Sorry Steve.. He is still a phenomenal artist.
  • edited May 2010
    I think they are funnier in the games because the games cater to a more "mainstream" audience, while the comics are more for 14+ year olds. (ie. who actually thinks that the
    pirates song about the manitees[/spoilers] didn't gross people out?)
  • edited May 2010

    For me the comics are so much like my sense of humor it's just a perfect match, even more so than the games perhaps.

    Read some more last night, got up to the 'Disguise-o-Rama' pages... I actually really wanted to play with them, but of course not about to cut up my new book. :)

    Also, Steve really knows his junk food, I gotta say! Also nice to see a lot of those classic foods withstood the test of time. : D

    I was actually really inspired last night, I felt like maybe I'm not so crazy after all and there are other people out there that share my same bizarre sensibility. :)

    edit: lol@Kamilozo3 : D
  • edited May 2010
    Man, I love those comics. My favourite part is Max screaming "BOOGA! BOOGA!" or should I say... Max screaming "BOOGA! BOOGA!" cracks me up.
  • edited May 2010
    Alright, here's the spoiler:
    That's it...
    You're dead.
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