Special editions, discounts and such.
I've been buying games at the Telltale store since it started operating and most of the times I was pleased with what I got. I chose to get my CDs from you guys, even though I live in Europe. This means shipping costs plus tax, etc. Lately however, I've been thinking whether or not it's worth it.
Now why on earth would I say such a thing? Let me explain. Let's look at Tales of Monkey Island for example. Before the first episode was published, anyone who'd place a pre-order would get a super limited, one of a kind, extra special slip-cover by Steve Purcell. I bought it. Why the hell not.
Now, what seemed to be one of the selling points of the pre-order, doesn't seem so limited any more. Anyone can get it if they buy Tales of Monkey Island Deluxe Edition. Did I hear anything about a Deluxe Edition before I placed my pre-order? Nope.
So now, those who buy the Deluxe Edition will not only get the super special limited slip-cover, but they'll also get a load of other things, which I can't get or buy separately.
I realized I was too eager to pre-order and I'll avoid doing that from now on. I did pre-order both seasons of Sam & Max, but I didn't buy the third one this way because of budget constraints. And wouldn't you know it, I can get it for 50% of the initial price if I buy Puzzle Agent. In fact, Puzzle Agent and Sam & Max Season 3 will cost me less today, than the third season alone. And the second episode isn't even out yet.
Someone might say it's only natural that the prices drop if you wait, but this is a bit unfair when you think about those who paid the full price just a couple of weeks ago. Luckily, I didn't, but if I did, I would be kind of ... well, pissed, to be honest.
Now why on earth would I say such a thing? Let me explain. Let's look at Tales of Monkey Island for example. Before the first episode was published, anyone who'd place a pre-order would get a super limited, one of a kind, extra special slip-cover by Steve Purcell. I bought it. Why the hell not.
Now, what seemed to be one of the selling points of the pre-order, doesn't seem so limited any more. Anyone can get it if they buy Tales of Monkey Island Deluxe Edition. Did I hear anything about a Deluxe Edition before I placed my pre-order? Nope.
So now, those who buy the Deluxe Edition will not only get the super special limited slip-cover, but they'll also get a load of other things, which I can't get or buy separately.
I realized I was too eager to pre-order and I'll avoid doing that from now on. I did pre-order both seasons of Sam & Max, but I didn't buy the third one this way because of budget constraints. And wouldn't you know it, I can get it for 50% of the initial price if I buy Puzzle Agent. In fact, Puzzle Agent and Sam & Max Season 3 will cost me less today, than the third season alone. And the second episode isn't even out yet.
Someone might say it's only natural that the prices drop if you wait, but this is a bit unfair when you think about those who paid the full price just a couple of weeks ago. Luckily, I didn't, but if I did, I would be kind of ... well, pissed, to be honest.
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I might seem unfair. Someone who comes in today could get puzzle agent then have all other games half-price (and many are already cheaper than they were at first). Free coupons are constantly given that are really no use to people who've bought everything already. And so on.
If it's really that much of a dealbreaker to you, then you're probably right to wait now. You'll save some money, and while you won't play games right away, you'll play them at some point.
But I'm going to keep preordering things. I like the benefits (special forums and stuff) and I want to support this company that I love. I'm not going to blame them for being so awesome they constantly offer deals and promotions. After all I take advantage of some of them too (the free shipping for order over 50 dollars for instance).
So sure, a few days ago someone could have bought Tales + Secret for slightly over half what it cost me to get just Tales. If I hadn't touched Tales yet (like my husband who's waiting to play on the DVD), I'd be pissed for sure, but I have played it so that's fine. It was worth the price difference to me.
Anyway, you're never forced to buy, so always feel free to wait for a better deal. Keep in mind that some offers are still exclusive to people who order earlier, though.
I'd like to pay less for the Deluxe Edition, but I see it as a somewhat smaller concern compared to worrying that, in the future, I'll end up feeling like I "have" to pre-order to get the full product the way I got it for Seasons 1 and 2 of Sam and Max(which I bought after Season 2's run had finished).
I also don't feel bad for pre-ordering Sam and Max: Season Three. I feel the pre-order benefits, being able to play Episode 1 when it came out, and free shipping on my Tales DVD was worth the difference. It might not be such to some people, but just think about it this way: It was worth that much to you when you paid that much money. You and Telltale confirmed that, yeah, I think that this game is worth $35, paid well in advance.
The other issue was the alleged exclusivity of some items, like the previously mentioned slip-cover. It turned out it wasn't exclusive at all. But hey, what do I know. It's business. Besides, maybe they printed more slip-cases than there were pre-orders [which I doubt, because the amount of hype around the new Monkey Island series was huge].
It's not the first time I see items being sold this way. I bought both Sam & Max seasons, case files and soundtracks separately. I never bought any posters or buttons because I'm not made of money, but later I would see bundles which would save me half of the money I paid, leaving some to spend on additional items. Lesson learned. I don't blame anybody.
The only thing that bugs me is the false exclusivity and deals like the Monkey Island Deluxe. I will most certainly not pay $50 for something I already bought just to get some collectibles, but at the same time I would like to have them.
When the disc came out, you had the choice between paying nothing+shipping, or paying $15+shipping, or paying $50 or more+nothing. I pre-ordered Devil's Playhouse and got the $15 collector's edition shipped to my house for free.
Since it hasn't shipped or anything, I suggest you contact support to cancel your order of just the disc, and order the deluxe edition instead. It will include the DVD+the extra stuff for just 15 dollars + shipping.
I would feel ripped off if after 4 years something was still 50 euro (which happened to me once, and I didn't buy it obviously. Seriously, WTF?).
I haven't literally "ordered" the disc [to be sent to me]. I bought the game through pre-order, which also "included" the disc [upon request, after paying for its shipping], plus the aforementioned slip-cover [for the DVD case]. Back then, there was no information about the extras and the Deluxe Edition, but if there was, I would obviously choose that option.
Either way, where does one have to click to even order the disc?
If you're logged in your account, you should be able to order the regular version shown as $0 or the deluxe shown as $15. In the store section, that is.
If these aren't the prices you see, then I have no idea why, although other people might be able to help you.
Hum, there is a problem with their store, I can re-order the Deluxe edition for 15 bucks, or an extra DVD for free. I'm fairly certain I shouldn't be able to.
Not going to do it though, since it raises shipping from 15 euro to 35 euro... :eek:
Have I to say how much I love International Free Shipping?
Yeah, I only order physical stuff when they have a free shipping offer.
So in this case the 50% is more profitable
Yeah, cases like that work too I guess