WASD + mouse VS gamepad in TPZ - which one's the better gaming experience?
I bought a gamepad recently, and was really curious how The Penal Zone plays with it, as there were some people full of praises for the fluency and natural feel of the game when playing with a gamepad.
Up to this point, I'm somewhat disappointed with the results - it's OK to play with the gamepad, moving around is definitely better than WASD, but then, environment interaction is much better with the mouse. I'm interested in what others think about the issue, so I put up this poll. And especially those who find the gamepad solution superior - why do you think / feel so?
Up to this point, I'm somewhat disappointed with the results - it's OK to play with the gamepad, moving around is definitely better than WASD, but then, environment interaction is much better with the mouse. I'm interested in what others think about the issue, so I put up this poll. And especially those who find the gamepad solution superior - why do you think / feel so?
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I started playing with the gamepad and it just didn't do it for me. I ended up switching for click and drag which I found much better and not as awkward as in ToMI. I find both superior to WASD though.
Haven't had the experience of a gamepad though, so I can't contribute anything. (Other than I'm not really a fan of the keyboard.)
I also think the wiimote is a great way of playing sports/sword games but for playing a point n click games , i think my arm would just get tired.
I think as humans we tend to imprint ourselves on the first medium we encounter so I bet the people that prefer gamepads had a console before a pc/mac (or ZX) and vice versa
I had consoles first. Had had a nintendo, super nintendo, game boy, game gear, game boy pocket, N64 and possibly gameboy advance before I had a computer.
I had played at least the frst 3 before I played on a computer (which was long before I had one).
And obviously there are people who prefer click and drag even though its new. I put your theory in doubt.
Good question, but you can never know - so I might as well assume that the voters did. Anyway, it did need some persistence on my part to discover some of the gamepad values at all (I've never owned a console), so I wouldn't be surprised if someone with less patience gave up earlier.
Thanks to everyone for sharing your views. The results up to this point (11/3/1/6/4) are quite polarized, which is interesting - it probably means that there is a clear distinction between mouse people and gamepad people, and Telltale did well to cater for both audiences. I'll invest some more time into the gamepad experience, and I'll definitely try the comfy armchair and the large TV screen when I get the chance
The nerd in me is so pleased that you actually care about interpreting your results.
I use arrow keys + mouse (well, trackpad, because the only computer I have is my laptop).
The nerd in me never understood polls for the sake of post collection. That's so dweeb, isn't it?
That's probably no surprise - I imagine most of Telltale's audience comes from the PC world. For anyone who's been used to WASD/mouse for a long time, it really takes a lot to find a different approach better, let alone vastly superior.
@Harald B: while I have no armchair, I was curious and redesigned my sofa a bit. It was a very relaxing experience (to the extent I almost fell asleep around 11:30PM during one of the longer dialogs
But now that i think of it ... 2 or 3 times i had the strange impression that there is somthing complicated with the way you have to move Sam&Max.
The gamepad method just didn't seem to work out for me(too imprecise).
If that's so, you might try a trackball.
Yes, I imagine that adding eg. two further levels of awesomeness to both control methods would have REALLY helped things along
I am sure he/she is referring to the fact that you do not have Click & Drag as an option.
Possibly. Why doesn't he say so?
He did. So did I. Mouse-only isn't listed as a choice, so I didn't choose anything.
No, he didn't, unless under a different identity
And click-and-drag was left out intentionally.