Sam & Max on XBLA Please

edited January 2007 in Sam & Max
Hi, guys is there any way of this great game be released on Xbox 360 Live Arcade, this is the kind of game that's missing on consoles system.

You could sell for 1,200 Microsoft Points "15 bucks" and it's still cheap for the quality of the game we see

I Love Adventure Games, but my Pc sucks, and i think the best way to spread the good adventures games on market again is via XBLA

The size of the game helps to fit into XBLA too

So how about it ;)



  • edited December 2006
    well, if your pc can't handle SamAndMax which has, like the lowest system specs ever, then it truly sucks. i can run S&M on my 10 year old monochrome
    laptop :)
  • edited December 2006
    X-Box Live Arcade games need to be pretty small, I think. 15 MB, or else correct me if I'm wrong. In any case I'm pretty sure the limit is less than 80 MB or whatever an episode of Sam & Max is. Impossible? No, but it might not be what they're looking for.
  • edited December 2006
    The limit is 50megabytes, so they would have to divide it even more.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2006
    Culture Shock is already only 70 megabytes compressed, so I imagine an episode of that size could be shoehorned onto XBLA if the need arose.
  • edited December 2006
    If you removed all of the spoken dialogue, you could get the compressed file to the correct size, and all the people who don't like Sam & Max's new voices won't be able to complain. Two birds with one stone!
  • edited December 2006
    Mmmm.... hi-def Sam and Max..... Imagine being able to see every drop of congealed blood caught in Max's fur.... *salivates at the prospect*
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2006
    artwking wrote: »
    If you removed all of the spoken dialogue, you could get the compressed file to the correct size, and all the people who don't like Sam & Max's new voices won't be able to complain. Two birds with one stone!

    Nice one! :)
  • edited December 2006
    artwking wrote: »
    If you removed all of the spoken dialogue, you could get the compressed file to the correct size, and all the people who don't like Sam & Max's new voices won't be able to complain. Two birds with one stone!

    Kind of reminds me of the old gag about post offices.

    Business trainee: "Many of our customers are complaining about long queues in their local branch"
    Big Exec: "I have a cunning solution"
    Business trainee: "More staffing?"
    Big Exec: "No, simple. We close branches. Less branches = less complaints!"
  • edited December 2006
    XBLA is not suitable because of the silly 50 MB limit to the games. However the new Playstation Network would be perfect for the game, also considering the fact that the console supports mouse and keyboard controls right away.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2006
    I think the 50 mb limit is there so that people who bought a 360 without the hard drive will still be able to play the game.
  • edited January 2007
    I think you still need the harddrive in order to download anything.
  • edited January 2007
    No, you just need a memory card... which are 64 MB, so you can usually fit more or less around 1 game on it. If you want to play another you need to delete it and download it again later, or buy a bunch of memory cards of course (but then, why not buy the hard disk and be done with it?).
    Personally, I think the 50 MB limit is pretty pointless, I doubt many people use XBLA with just memory cards. Still, it does discourage bloatware, making them nice and easy to download. If they ever increased the limit it would certainly be great if Sam & Max went on XBLA.
  • edited January 2007
    right now lets just be gratefull we have a fantastic PC version. If the Elder scrolls has taught us anything its that PC games that get brought to consoles SUFFER massively.
    ShaggE wrote: »
    Mmmm.... hi-def Sam and Max..... Imagine being able to see every drop of congealed blood caught in Max's fur.... *salivates at the prospect*

    you do realise that Sam and Max IS in high def on the PC.
  • edited January 2007
    Let us not start an Elder Scrolls discussion here :P
    But yeah it is true that Sam&Max is sort of like Hi Def on PC, although this has really not much to do with the PC as a platform. And hi-def itself has nothing to do with the detail on Max's fur.

    Oh. I really didn't know you could run XBLA games from a memory card. But yeah it is prettymuch pointless.

    What's more they have huge downloads in form of movies etc. The 50 MB limit is a bit like a bump in the road for those games. The Sony approach seems a bit better. It seems like they have no size limit on downloadable games. The latest downloadable game is Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection and it is a bit over 800 MB I think...
  • edited January 2007
    Some interesting news about the partial lifting of the XBLA size restriction:

    Essentially if a game "really needs to" it's allowed to be more than 50 MB. So come on Telltale, get Sam & Max on there and rake in the money! It can't be very hard to adapt the game to the 360 controller either.
  • edited January 2007
    It's true, supposedly you can convert a lot of games to the PC using the XNA tools in a matter of weeks

    So for a small, relatively simply game like S&M(compared to say an FPS) it should take no time at all to seperate the phillistines from their XBLA points.

    And then you can afford more staff, and work faster ;)
  • edited January 2007
    I prefer sam & max on wii! (i don't have xbox :p) Nintendo will offer some live arcade, and sam & max with wiimote.... Wuaaaooo!
  • edited January 2007
    I agree that versions for all those console download services (why just one) might be a good idea. Shouldn't be too expensive to do once the engine is ported. And with 5 (or 9 in may) downloadable games running with this engine (Texas Hold'em, Bone & S&M) that sounds very, very interesting to me. And once the engine is ported, a port of the CSI-Games for Wii (on Disc) seems to be the next logical step for Telltale / Ubi Soft to take :cool: (or, as download separated into the individual cases)

    If that was my decission... I would do it (maybe start with the CSI-game funded by Ubi Soft and re-use the ported engine later on for the other games ;) )
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