Where are my Nutrition Specs?

edited May 2010 in Sam & Max
So. To recap:

The Penal Zone came out last month. PS3 users found that upon finishing the game, they unlocked an extra psychic power with additional gameplay. PC users had nothing of the sort.

I pre-ordered the PC version of Penal Zone as soon as possible, out of a quite possibly foolish desire to support my favorite game company. I was totally unaware at the time of this PC/PS3 gameplay disparity, which Telltale completely failed to advertise in advance.

I would most certainly NOT have trusted Telltale with the luxury of a pre-order if I had known that the PC version lacked this extra feature. When I complained, I was told that the Nutrition Specs were "forthcoming" but got no further details.

Rumors have since leaked out that Telltale's first stab at releasing the Specs was a convoluted "alternate reality game," involving things like the Future Vision phone number. And after that method of giving out the Specs was--so I heard--abandoned, the new method being tried apparently has "technical difficulties?"

Not good.

Now Episode 2 is coming out in a couple of days, and there is still no word on this feature. Several forumites have surmised that it'll be activated on the 16th, due to the 1-516-etc phone number. But that's simply a NY phone number area code. I imagine if the Specs don't show up this Sunday a lot of people will be disappointed.

Let me be blunt. I would like PC gamers to have parity with PS3 users. I want to have Nutrition Specs too! And since the PS3 users have them already, I'd hope that the Specs are given out as fast as feasibly possible.

If Telltale is having trouble getting its act together with this ARG or whatever the heck it is, then don't try. Patch the game so that the Specs are unlocked in the same manner as the PS3 version. Then at least I can enjoy the game I thought I pre-ordered.

Either that, or give me my money back.


  • edited May 2010
    So... you are arguing you pre-ordered for the Nutrition Specs alone and because that is not here just yet you want a full refund?
  • edited May 2010
    So... you are arguing you pre-ordered for the Nutrition Specs alone and because that is not here just yet you want a full refund?
    I pre-ordered expecting the PC version to have the same gameplay as the PS3 version. These two versions were sold for the same price (though the PS3 was discounted by $5!) yet they are decidedly unequal in content.

    I am asking for Telltale to rectify this issue. If they don't, then and only then I would feel entirely justified in asking for a refund on principle. PC gamers don't deserve to be denied cool bonus stuff by Telltale; they've suffered enough from the BIG publishers.

    I know it may take some time to get the PC NutriSpecs code sorted out. That's understandable. But without any updates from the team, it sort of looks like Telltale isn't doing anything to fix the basic problem. Lack of communication led us to this impasse in the first place; let's not go there again.
  • edited May 2010
    So I'm assuming Specs means glasses? Short for spectacles?
    Because I don't want a nutrition soda popper. Although if I had to have one, Specs would be the least annoying I guess.
  • edited May 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    So I'm assuming Specs means glasses? Short for spectacles?
    Because I don't want a nutrition soda popper. Although if I had to have one, Specs would be the least annoying I guess.
    Not sure if this was a joke or a real question. =P

    Um, if the latter, then yes. Short for glasses. Specs the Soda Popper is so named because he wears thick-rimmed glasses. :D
  • edited May 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    So I'm assuming Specs means glasses? Short for spectacles?
    Because I don't want a nutrition soda popper. Although if I had to have one, Specs would be the least annoying I guess.
    Yes. The Nutrition Specs are an extra psychic power unlocked by finishing the PS3 version of the Penal Zone.

    And yes, "Specs" is short for "spectacles".

    Also I added this to my earlier post, which I'd just like to reiterate:

    "I know it may take some time to get the PC NutriSpecs code sorted out. That's understandable. But without any updates from the team, it sort of looks like Telltale isn't doing anything to fix the basic problem. Lack of communication led us to this impasse in the first place; let's not go there again."

    I'm not going to insist on a refund until Telltale actually abandon any attempt to give PC people NutriSpecs. This seems unlikely at the moment. But to uninformed laypeople like me, a lack of updates looks suspiciously like a lack of action.
  • edited May 2010
    It was joke, but it's true I only now realised, when I saw "Specs" capitalised, that it's his name.
    Hum, I'm sure it's going to make me sound idiotic, but does that mean the other Poppers' names mean stuff too? >.>
  • edited May 2010
    ATMachine wrote: »
    I'm not going to insist on a refund until Telltale actually abandon any attempt to give PC people NutriSpecs. This seems unlikely at the moment. But to uninformed laypeople like me, a lack of updates looks suspiciously like a lack of action.
    Fairly recently, the 516vision site was said to be a part of an alternate reality game that didn't quite get off the ground. It's "on hiatus, not cancelled" as of the last update, and I'm pretty sure the Nutrispecs are coming when that gets off the ground. It's obvious that some sort of difficulty came up and things didn't go as planned.
  • edited May 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    It was joke, but it's true I only now realised, when I saw "Specs" capitalised, that it's his name.
    Hum, I'm sure it's going to make me sound idiotic, but does that mean the other Poppers' names mean stuff too? >.>
    Yes. "Whizzer" is a slang term for someone who has to urinate frequently, while "Peepers" refers to eyeballs, and in particular very conspicuous ones.
  • edited May 2010
    Fairly recently, the 516vision site was said to be a part of an alternate reality game that didn't quite get off the ground. It's "on hiatus, not cancelled" as of the last update, and I'm pretty sure the Nutrispecs are coming when that gets off the ground. It's obvious that some sort of difficulty came up and things didn't go as planned.
    Yeah, hiatus is... not exactly what I was hoping for. I want those NutriSpecs NOW! *waaaaaah* :D

    More seriously, is an ARG really the best way to go about giving them out? A simple software update might be much quicker and more convenient for the end user (and possibly Telltale too), even if it involves everyone redownloading...
  • edited May 2010
    Haven't you heard? You don't get the Nutrispecs in the PC version unless you preordered Team Fortress 2 on Steam in 2007. The specs will then be automatically unlocked in your game.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2010
    ATMachine wrote: »
    Yeah, hiatus is... not exactly what I was hoping for. I want those NutriSpecs NOW! *waaaaaah* :D

    More seriously, is an ARG really the best way to go about giving them out? A simple software update might be much quicker and more convenient for the end user (and possibly Telltale too), even if it involves everyone redownloading...

    The plan was to unlock them similarly to treasure hunting in Tales of MI, but it has been a bumpy road. PC users will get NutriSpecs at some point though. Not abandoned.
  • edited May 2010
    You seriously get way too bent out of shape over a stupid little meaningless bonus that we have been confirmed to be getting one way or another in the future for quite some time now. Please quit obsessing over this and get on with your life so that you can be pleasantly surprised when it does become available.
  • edited May 2010
    Pale Man wrote: »
    You seriously get way too bent out of shape over a stupid little meaningless bonus that we have been confirmed to be getting one way or another in the future for quite some time now. Please quit obsessing over this and get on with your life so that you can be pleasantly surprised when it does become available.
    Must you be so hostile? I have a perfectly legitimate grievance, and if you don't want to hear about it, don't read the thread.

    Anyways, thanks for the update, Jake. I'm glad to hear you guys are still pursuing the matter. :)
  • edited May 2010
    Seriously. "Waaaaaaaah" is right.
  • edited May 2010
    Ripcord wrote: »
    Seriously. "Waaaaaaaah" is right.
    This forum would be nicer if it wasn't for the people in it. :cool:
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2010
    I think I'm going to close this thread, to put it out of its misery. Sorry NutriSpecs don't yet live for PC. They will.......
This discussion has been closed.