Sam & Max: Hit the Road.. Special Edition?

edited May 2010 in Sam & Max
Not sure if this item ever been spoken about (well, I'm suprised if it isn't).

But wouldn't it be awesome if they create a version of Hit the Road just like The Secret of Monkey Island?

Probably there are still a lot of people wich never played the game (or even heard from it) and are now unable to get a legal copy.


  • edited May 2010
    Oh it comes up every now and then. A special edition is unlikely, mainly since LA would have to renegotiate with Steve Purcell. And getting a legal copy of Hit the Road is quite easy on eBay.
  • edited May 2010
    I've said it a million times and I"ll say it again - I'd be stoked if LEC just made Hit the Road (and the rest of their adventures) available again in the United States. I'm frustrated by the fact that they've repeatedly hit the snooze button on that front after showing some promise with the four adventure game re-releases on Steam.
  • edited May 2010
    Udvarnoky wrote: »
    LEC just made Hit the Road available again in the United States.
    As mentioned, they can't.
    Not until a new deal is made with Steve Purcell at least that is.
  • edited May 2010
    Um, Hassat Hunter, Udvarnoky didn't just say "LEC just made Hit the Road available again in the United States". He said "I'd be stoked if LEC just made Hit the Road (and the rest of their adventures) available again in the United States."

    Read the entire message plz, kthxbai. :)
  • edited May 2010
    I always see alot of the old games in my local gamestores for cheap.
    Maybe its just an Australia thing, but I've gotten San & Max, Full Throttle, Monkey Islands, Grim, Broken Sword, and the list goes on, all for around 10 bucks or so.
    I'm not saying a SE wouldn't be nice, but making it for the sake of availability is ridiculous.
  • edited May 2010
    The idea of a special edition of Hit the Road seems so silly to me. It has aged the best of all of LucasArts' classics. I'd be fine with it being released in the same way that they released Loom, Indiana Jones, and The Dig.
  • edited May 2010
    LucasArts are allowed to rerelease Hit the Road because the have full rights to the game, they just can't do anything new with the characters because they don't have the rights to the characters. That's why they had to change the Sam & Max idol in Monkey Island.
  • edited May 2010
    I want a Loom SE, with the cast from the talkie reading the script from the non-talkie, since the current talkie version has a lot less dialogue.
  • edited May 2010
    StonkBad wrote: »
    LucasArts are allowed to rerelease Hit the Road because the have full rights to the game, they just can't do anything new with the characters because they don't have the rights to the characters. That's why they had to change the Sam & Max idol in Monkey Island.
    Except that it isn't - the idol still exists in Classic mode.
  • edited May 2010
    Except that it isn't - the idol still exists in Classic mode.

    Because they still have the right to release anything with Sam and Max in it in an unaltered form. They did not, however, possess the rights to redraw Sam and Max for the updated art.

    (Although I can't honestly see TTG/Purcell suing them over a tiny redrawing of an idol, but their lawyers would've gone mental if they had done it without consent)
  • edited May 2010
    After playing HtR, the only thing that needs to be remastered is the dumbass voices of the original actors. Other than that, nothing needs to be changed; It's fine the way it is, and the only reason MI 1-2 were re-done is
    because that people wanted it. HtR SE doesn't grab enough people
  • edited May 2010
    Pale Man wrote: »
    (Although I can't honestly see TTG/Purcell suing them over a tiny redrawing of an idol, but their lawyers would've gone mental if they had done it without consent)
    That part actually bothers me a bit. Since I find it hard to imagine TTG/Purcell minding, it would seem that LA never bothered to try to get permission. If so, that's sad.
  • edited May 2010
    lattsam wrote: »
    Um, Hassat Hunter, Udvarnoky didn't just say "LEC just made Hit the Road available again in the United States". He said "I'd be stoked if LEC just made Hit the Road (and the rest of their adventures) available again in the United States."

    Read the entire message plz, kthxbai. :)
    I may have trimmed the quote a bit too short true.
    But if I read it the way you interpretate it my reply makes absolutely no sense. Which should be pretty obvious to anyone reading it.

    So... Read the entire message plz, kthxbai. :)
  • edited May 2010
    LEC fully owns Hit the Road, and therefore is able to re-release it whenever they see fit to do so, Steve Purcell has nothing to do with it at this point, unless they make changes to the game other than compatibility.
  • edited May 2010
    Guess it depends if Steve gets a cut per sale (or well, basically what was negotiated when they created the game). Probably not though.

    I doubt a physical release will happen at all, that doesn't seem very profitable from a business standpoint. But Steam-releases like their other classic adventure games would certainly sense, were they allowed to do that.
  • edited May 2010
    Guess it depends if Steve gets a cut per sale (or well, basically what was negotiated when they created the game). Probably not though.

    I doubt a physical release will happen at all, that doesn't seem very profitable from a business standpoint. But Steam-releases like their other classic adventure games would certainly sense, were they allowed to do that.

    They are allowed. They wouldn't have signed a contract that granted Purcell the rights to decide whether or not they were able to sell the game in different formats for as long as they wanted.
  • edited May 2010
    I'm sure I've already replied to this, but perhaps it was in a different forum..

    Like others have already said, Hit the Road has actually aged quite well. The graphics and animation hold up better than any of the other classic point & clicks, and it's already fully voiced. I wouldn't be totally oppossed to the idea of cleaning it up and re-releasing it on XBLA, etc, but I don't think it's really necessary, plus it's still available to buy in most countries.

    Other games are far more deserving at this point.
  • edited May 2010
    the idea of cleaning it up and re-releasing it on XBLA, etc,

    I would think this would be the best bet as far as hoping for a re-release.

    I mean, look at some of the other games that have managed to be ported for XBLA [I won't mention titles, but you can point your fingers at whichever ones you see fit].

    Also considering there is already season 1 and 2 [S&M] on xbla it would make sense and make it less of an obscure release for people who may be unfumiliar with the game. Not to mention MI:SE 1 and 2 [when it hits] plus the W&G games, that's a total of 5 adventure games on XBLA that I know of, so why not 1 more? :D :)

    anyways.. /dream sequence
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