up on the US PSN

edited May 2010 in Sam & Max
:D up on the US PSN


    edited May 2010
    Lucky bastards :mad: :(
  • edited May 2010
    Gah... even the PSN beats Steam on the release date?! Cmon, TTG! Help us out here!
  • edited May 2010
    Gah... even the PSN beats Steam on the release date?! Cmon, TTG! Help us out here!

  • edited May 2010
    Anybody know when is gonna be up on eu psn?
  • edited May 2010
    Zabiam wrote: »
    Anybody know when is gonna be up on eu psn?
    May 26.

    The scheduling is up to Sony and not Telltale.
  • edited May 2010
    Ouch. Suddenly I don't feel so bad.
  • edited May 2010
    Zonino wrote: »
    Ouch. Suddenly I don't feel so bad.

    And suddenly my wolrd just crached!!!

    Thanks for the info though!
  • edited May 2010
    Why don't you guys just buy it at the US PSN? :confused:
  • edited May 2010
    Why don't you guys just buy it at the US PSN? :confused:

    So we should be charged again for a product we've ALREADY paid for?! :confused:

    This is why I'm so irritated at the lack of response from TTG. This puppy was already bought and paid for as a pre-order via Steam. WHY are we the only ones being forced to wait longer than anyone else, when the PC platform has already been released and downloaded?! :mad:
  • edited May 2010

    I am also waiting for the Steam release so I'm on the same boat here. You have to understand, I am having a serious deja-vu right now. You have to understand, Telltale sent the game to Valve, now they need to check that it's really ok. I have no idea why it's taking so long but it's not telltale's fault.
  • edited May 2010
    So we should be charged again for a product we've ALREADY paid for?! :confused:

    This is why I'm so irritated at the lack of response from TTG. This puppy was already bought and paid for as a pre-order via Steam. WHY are we the only ones being forced to wait longer than anyone else, when the PC platform has already been released and downloaded?! :mad:

    Exactly! We won`t pay twice!!
    And whoevers fault it is, they SUCK!!!
    Probably Sony, they just don`t care about us in europe apparantly...
  • edited May 2010
    I will be asking questions about this on the EU Playstation Blog when they put up the Playstation Store update message this afternoon!

    We've already paid for the episodes, why is it we're not getting this one on the same week as everyone else?!

    I do have a slight suspicion, The Secret of Monkey Island is yet to be released on the PSN in Europe, maybe todays the day and they didn't want it to clash with each other, stupid really as not everyone is interested in both series!

    As for me, I bought SoMI on the PC with Tales of MI, I will start to wish I had done the same with Sam and Max now if this happens every month!
  • edited May 2010
    and I thought not having the steam version out was rough...
  • edited May 2010
    You as an Aussie know all too well about being screwed over release dates and video game ratings, I am sure?!

    Seriously though, I wouldn't be too bothered if it wasn't for the fact of my suspicion about SoMI on the Europe PSN store, if it is the case I'm going to be very angry as I will know then its a marketing decison and the fact that we've been messed about by Sony for the Monkey Island game for the past 3 weeks where they've had ample time to release it and might have now put back Sam and Max for the sake of it!
  • edited May 2010
    Yeah I wouldn't put it past them. Sony are shockers when it comes to PSN in PAL regions (I also own a ps3/psp), even when it comes to the biggest titles. I was kind of warned about the possibility of a later release on steam so I'm not angry, but I am finding it more annoying than I thought I would as I found the Penal Zone to be the best TT game I've played yet by far.

    That saying, Valve's reasoning in this delay sounds pretty shonky and I've been waiting all day, constantly checking for it's arrival. It can't be long now... I hope:(
  • edited May 2010
    Well I hope for your sake that it comes soon, situations like this frustrate me alot especially considering the US PSN and Mac got their version on time yesterday!

    I don't like sounding like a whinger as I've only been using TellTale games for a short time. I've been impressed by the quality of The Penal Zone and Tales of Monkey Island episodes, so much so I'm considering buying the first 2 seasons of Sam and Max at some point soon.
  • edited May 2010
    yeah season 1 and 2 are both really good though they aren't quite as "cinematic" as ToMI and season 3. At least in times like this you can still get your adventure game fix...
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