Game breaking bug in 302

edited May 2010 in Sam & Max

In the 3rd part, when you ask the old moleman about the brochurs, and tell him you are from stuttgart you get cursed. Now when you talk to him again, about molemen curses and select something but not the new option "NOT from stuttgart" you get an empty dialog wheel with sam, you cant do anything now, worse you cant quit because pressing escape doesnt do anything (menu is deactivated in dialog) - the only thing todo is task kill the game and load from your last save game

very annoying ugly bug


  • edited May 2010
    Have you right-clicked to exit dialogue?
  • edited May 2010
    I tried using the ventroliquism whilst on top of the guardians and it switched to a completley different camera angle when I left leaving me no control
  • edited May 2010
    JedExodus wrote: »
    I tried using the ventroliquism whilst on top of the guardians and it switched to a completley different camera angle when I left leaviung me no control

    I got this too, luckily there was an autosave a few mins before
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