Wow, ep2. [spoilers]

edited May 2010 in Sam & Max
Wow, is mostly all I can say. I feel this episode is basicly the height of all that TTG has given us so far.

It's smooth, tons of stuff to explore, extremely interesting and captivating storyline, lots of interaction, all locations are easy accessible, all puzzles makes sense, none of the old annoying characters took part of the story and you added some new ones that it is tons of fun interacting with.

I can't be more satisfied. This was a really, really, really solid performance. Job well done.


  • edited May 2010
    i agree, i played every episodes game from tellatale so far, and this was the best

    it was great to see that they didnt reuse existing environments this time, because this was always my main issue

    also kudos to the idea on figuring something out in the future to use it in the past
  • edited May 2010
    Yeah, talking about bending the fabric of space and time. :D
  • edited May 2010
    Harakiri23 wrote: »
    also kudos to the idea on figuring something out in the future to use it in the past

    Well they used that before (just let me say: patent :D).

    Still i really liked episode 2, very good game. I really hope that episode 3 is here soon, i can't wait to see how this continues.
  • edited May 2010
    Yeah, the only bad thing is that you have to wait to play more once you've finished :). It's frustrating wanting more but not getting your wish fullfilled. I'm IT generation gdit. 303 NOW NOW NOW.
  • edited May 2010
    Indeed, very nicely put together episode. It did seem a bit short but looking at the time it looks like the hours went by pretty damn fast. Great to see new locations and new music.
  • edited May 2010
    I thought it was no better then, say, Abe Lincoln Must Die! A fairly meh episode.
  • edited May 2010
    none of the old annoying characters took part of the story
    I seriously have to disagree with you here.
    Still, the episode as a whole held up.
    Melchon wrote: »
    Well they used that before (just let me say: patent :D).
    Not really. In there THEY were timetravelling, so it made sense they kept the data. However here S&M where just looking at their grandparents, and for them it wouldn't make sense to suddenly know things in the past since for them, it would have played in order.

    So yeah, bending of time & space. Made for interesting puzzles though...
  • edited May 2010
    I seriously have to disagree with you here.
    Still, the episode as a whole held up.
    I mean, who doesn't love Jurgen? Or do you refer to the soda poppers grandpa? Or the narrator? The molemen doesn't come close to the annoying voice of cops or the boring that is lincoln.

    Explain :)
  • edited May 2010
    Why is the word 'spoilers' in the subject line when there are no spoilers here?
  • edited May 2010
    daro2096 wrote: »
    Why is the word 'spoilers' in the subject line when there are no spoilers here?

    When it comes to spoiling other people's fun, I'm more on the conservative side. Don't like taking chances.

    For example: "none of the old annoying characters took part of the story and you added some new ones " can be viewed as a spoiler.

    Also, in a thread about ep2 there's bound to be spoilers sooner or later.
  • edited May 2010
    I mean, who doesn't love Jurgen? Or do you refer to the soda poppers grandpa? Or the narrator? The molemen doesn't come close to the annoying voice of cops or the boring that is lincoln.
    I was more thinking along the lines of elves and babies.
    Can't hate Jurgen... [in a german accent]dûh[/in a german accent].
  • edited May 2010
    Yeah, the baby was annoying, but that was the whole point of her. The Elves for some reason, while annoying, I liked how they were. That thing of trying to be a Street Gang + Mafia and actually believe that while been just... elves... I found them rather ironic.
  • edited May 2010
    Still it would have been great to have this scene

    Nefertiti: You ruined my life, and on my birthday!

    Mariachi: Did somebody say "Birthday"? [Whole music routine] Ole!

    Sameth: That was...

    Maximus: Let's never speak of this again.
  • edited May 2010
    That would have been perfect, especially seeing as Benny tells his daughter not to reveal the method of undoing the protection spell in front of T-H-E-M.
  • edited May 2010
    :confused: these still more protector film its not in the storey
  • edited May 2010
  • edited May 2010
    Harakiri23 wrote: »
    also kudos to the idea on figuring something out in the future to use it in the past
    In before "apollo justice did it first lolol"

    (Sammun-Mak pulled it off a lot better, though)
  • edited May 2010
    Wow indeed.

    I should be used to it by now but it's just amazing how telltale can keep topping themselve like that. The old season almost seem lame compared to the new stuff (and coming from a "it was better in my time" twat like me, that's saying something :p)

    Was a bit turned off by a game breaking bug near the end, had to redo the whole episode... But it's done now and the annoyance is forgotten :D

    I love how they're getting closer and closer to the real whackiness of the old comics ;)
  • edited May 2010
    I didn't like it as much as others myself. Don't get me wrong, it was great, but I didn't like playing it out of order, and the new powers felt... weak.
  • edited May 2010
    I really enjoyed this episode, it makes everything else that's come before it seem a bit Fisher-Price :p. To me it was the first time playing a Telltale game where it could really go toe-to-toe with a big budget adventure game, that's in terms of sheer scope and the quality of just nigh on everything.

    To me everything was just right on the money
  • edited May 2010
    I just beat it, and I've gotta say, this is probably my favorite Sam & Max episode- No, my favorite Telltale episode yet. The puzzles were very well-done, the story was great, and Jurgen's inclusion was perfect. The only thing I disliked was the inclusion of Baby Amelia Earhart. In my opinion, she (along with the other babies) was a terrible character when she was introduced in Moai Better Blues, and she still is.
  • edited May 2010
    I never liked the other babies, but I LOVED Baby Amelia Earheart.

    Made me giggle every time.
  • edited May 2010
    JedExodus wrote: »
    it could really go toe-to-toe with a big budget adventure game
    There are big budget adventure games?

  • edited May 2010
    There are big budget adventure games?


    The past.
  • edited May 2010
    mclem wrote: »
    The past.

    Correct, help yourself to a sweet from my desk
  • edited May 2010
    I totally agree, this episode is absolutely amazing. Only played part way through, but I love the massively non-linear feel you've achieved allowing multiple storylines to develop and grow both simultaneously and independently, all the stylistic riffs and references (and Jared's music wins again - particularly enjoying his take on Scott Joplin's "The Entertainer"!), and even the fact the characters
    can kind-of die in several places
    (usually to comic effect)!

    Now to avoid this forum like the plague until I've finished it...
  • edited May 2010
    I don't think the past games where really that big budget either...

    But I might be wrong...
  • edited May 2010
    Didn't the Secret of Monkey Island get what was considered the biggest kind of budget that they got back in the day?
  • edited May 2010
    I don't think the past games where really that big budget either...

    But I might be wrong...

    I always say give these two as examples, but check out Broken Sword and Grim Fandango for some seriously lush adventure games

    The reason adventure games weren't being made for ages was because they were prohibitively expensive and the returns simply weren't enough
  • edited May 2010
    JedExodus wrote: »
    I always say give these two as examples, but check out Broken Sword and Grim Fandango for some seriously lush adventure games

    The reason adventure games weren't being made for ages was because they were prohibitively expensive and the returns simply weren't enough

    Broken Sword is pretty sweet idd. Personally, I'd add the Runaway series. It's pretty sick.
  • edited May 2010
    JedExodus wrote: »
    I always say give these two as examples, but check out Broken Sword and Grim Fandango for some seriously lush adventure games

    Show Blade Runner some love, too! Voxels ain't for everyone, and the game may have let ambition get a bit too much in the way of gameplay, but it had some serious production value and can't be beat for atmosphere.

    That said - I really enjoyed this episode of good old Sam & Max. I got the same thrill that Reality 2.0 gave me, and that was the first game in a loooong time that truly blew me away by sheer strength of concept and execution. Shades of Day of the Tentacle. Good times!
  • edited May 2010
    Don't get me wrong, it was great, but I didn't like playing it out of order,

    Yeah I'm kinda with you on that one, but it was ok. It didn't destroy the episode for me.
  • edited May 2010
    I think out of order puzzle solving is great.

    Was so in Day of the Tentacle.
    Was so in 204.
    Still is so in 302.
  • edited May 2010
    I thought it was great, my favourite of this season so far.

    The out of order puzzles had some great gags such as the
    reveal by Baby Amelia Earheart as too what the toy is.
    Length-wise cut cucumbers
    adventure games
    gags were great too.

    I was a bit iffy about the whole back in time element at first but was loving it by the end, I'm so going to miss all the old timey characters!

    Great ending both in the movie and with Max at the end too.

    I LOVED Baby Amelia Earheart most of all.

    Look forward to ep3.
  • edited May 2010
    There's something about Baby Earhart's design that is bugging me. I'm sure she's a visual refferance to something, but I can't figure out what.

    I know Charlie is a visual refferance to Mortimer Snerd, but nobody believes me.:rolleyes:
  • edited May 2010
    Just finished it, and was also quite impressed. The 'reels' concept was genius. It really opened up the story and gameplay and made both so much more interesting. I'm a bit of a sucker for nonlinear narratives, so I was pretty engaged by the open structure.

    It also really helped from a gameplay perspective that if you weren't getting anywhere in one 'timeline' you could just hop to another and play there for a while, rather than beat your head against the wall. Not that there were any particularly hard puzzles. Not that I'm really complaining, as it made for a breezy, pleasant couple of hours of really solid, funny story.

    Even a REALLY annoying and ugly baby and a preponderance of the increasingly unwelcome mole people couldn't drag down such a strong episode for me.

    Maybe it's because I used to teach English to a bunch of Russians with very...peculiar (or untranslatable) senses of humor, but the Eastern European mole woman busting up over 'cucumbers cut lengthwise' was freaking hilarious.
  • edited May 2010
    I loved the Eastern European mole-woman, too! And I know that I'm probably going to make a joke about cutting cucumbers lengthwise that none of my friends will understand in the near future.

    However, the joke that made me laugh the hardest was when Kringle says he was going to throw Sam and Max in the insanity car. Followed by Max asking, "There's an insanity car?" in a hopeful tone.

    This was mainly because right before Max's line, I asked out loud (in a hopeful tone) "There's an insanity car?":D
  • edited May 2010
    I wasn't crazy about Baby Amelia Earhart, but she didn't get on my nerves either. One thing did bother me, though. If I remember correctly, that's two characters from previous episodes appearing in the past (Amelia and Jurgen, unless Kringle actually went on to become Santa later on) who didn't recognize Sam and Max in the present, despite the strong family resemblance.

    But from a development point of view, I totally get it, since this throwback to those characters almost certainly wasn't planned at the time of 202 and 203's development. And besides, it's not that big of a deal. It's just something that occurred to me.
    the annoying voice of cops

    You take that back!
    However, the joke that made me laugh the hardest was when Kringle says he was going to throw Sam and Max in the insanity car. Followed by Max asking, "There's an insanity car?" in a hopeful tone.

    This was mainly because right before Max's line, I asked out loud (in a hopeful tone) "There's an insanity car?":D

    I know, I had the exact same thought go through my head. This is one of those cases where doing the predictable thing is hilarious.
  • edited May 2010
    I wasn't crazy about Baby Amelia Earhart, but she didn't get on my nerves either. One thing did bother me, though. If I remember correctly, that's two characters from previous episodes appearing in the past (Amelia and Jurgen, unless Kringle actually went on to become Santa later on) who didn't recognize Sam and Max in the present, despite the strong family resemblance.

    Yeah, I did think that. Wouldn't really bother me for baby Amelia (I mean, do you remember people you met when you were a baby?) but you'd think Jürgen would remember Sameth and Maximus considering all they've done to him. And giant dogs and rabbits are rare enough that he should be sure to make a connection.

    Then again, I though I didn't remember for certain that he didn't and would have to play Night of the Raving Dead again.
  • edited May 2010
    I'm pretty sure he didn't. For example, in Beelzebub, he was only upset with them for what they'd done to him recently (the whole ruining his spirit business and sending him to hell thing) and didn't seem to be holding a grudge against them at all for what their ancestors did to him, which is something he seems like the type to do.

    Anyway, I wonder Jurgen's appearance in 302 combined with Satan's remark at the end of 205 makes me wonder if we'll be seeing more of Jurgen and Satan at some point during The Devil's Playhouse. It wouldn't surprise me if even after being sent to hell, Jurgen was still trying to free Yog-Sogoth.
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