Season two, a disappoint?

edited May 2010 in Sam & Max
After playing episode 1 of the Devil's Playhouse I went back and played the first two seasons. Half way through the Season Two I noticed that the story wasn't as interesting as I once remembered it. Perhaps it's just the fact that Playhouse is just so good it blows it out of the water, but who knows. Anyone else feel the same way? Disagree?


  • edited May 2010
    How can you say Devil's Playhouse has a better story when we're only 2/5ths of the way through?
  • edited May 2010
    How can you say Devil's Playhouse has a better story when we're only 2/5ths of the way through?

    Well, thus far it does. I mean, compared to talking babies, and emo vampires, there's really no contest.
  • edited May 2010
    Season 2 has the worst off all TTG-Episodes in it BUT the rest is great.
    I really thought they will never be able to make a better S&M-Season than 1+2 but well seems like they are on their way to achieve this so why should I complain about it....

    so in the end end: Season 3 is great so far but that does not make Season 2 a worse game. Storywise I would say Season 2 still wins. Nothing beats the last 2 Episodes of Season 2 right now in Season 3 but hey they have 3 more episodes to do that.
  • edited May 2010
    Why do you feel that there should be a contest in the first place, though? All three seasons of Sam and Max stand up just fine on their own, and it only stands to reason that Telltale would get better and better with each game they put out.

    And Telltale has stated many times that the method of storytelling in Tales of Monkey Island would have an impact on future releases. Had Monkey Island not entered the picture, the season 3 of Sam and Max that would've been out last year would've been more like the first two seasons, with episodes that generally stand alone connected in the end by a common plot thread, rather than a continuous story running the course of the whole season (although I admit that season 2 did shift in direction from the former to the latter about halfway through, with Ice Station Santa and Moai Better Blues not really tying to the other episodes until the end, but Night of the Raving Dead, Chariots of the Dogs, and What's New, Beelzebub? having a more continuous storyline).

    Which leads me to this: season two had a fantastic story. The first time I played it, I went through the first three episodes and then let it sit for a while. When I did finish it, I was kicking myself for that, because the last two episodes tied everything together so magnificently. It was brilliant.

    And so is The Devil's Playhouse. The Toys of Power storyline and the use of Future Vision and Astral Projection as story devices has been superb. And yes, if it continues on as it has so far, you might be able to say that it's a better story than season 2. But why would you want to? The Telltale Sam & Max games have are all amazing works, and it only makes sense that they should compliment each other, not be pitted against each other to see which one comes out on top.
  • edited May 2010
    I think that Telltale's method of storytelling has improved from Season 2. It kinda feels like its gone from being a play to a movie. I think that's somewhat what was said about the gameplay when they moved on from point-and-click, everything isn't just set along a horizontal stage now.
  • edited May 2010
    I guess what I'm trying to say is that the storytelling in Devil's Playhouse feels stronger than previous installments and that I had more fun/interest playing the two episodes of Playhouse than the episodes of Season two. To me, Season two seemed to rely on pop culture references a bit too much. Granted, it did have a great story on the whole, but the individual episodic stories left something to be desired.
  • edited May 2010
    Well, thus far it does. I mean, compared to talking babies, and emo vampires, there's really no contest.
    Wait, by "talking babies, and emo vampires" do you mean Season 2 or Season 3? ;)
  • edited May 2010
    I think Season 2 is great, besides Maoi Better Blues, the worst episode of all S&M Episodes so far (let's hope that 'record' never gets broken)...
  • edited May 2010
    I think Season 2 is great, besides Maoi Better Blues, the worst episode of all S&M Episodes so far (let's hope that 'record' never gets broken)...

    I comlpletely agree.
  • edited May 2010
    You at least should play 204 and 205.

    Contrary to 2D, 3D games don't age this well. You can reduce this effect by choosing the proper art form for a certain level of technology but if i remember things correctly the older games often had some texture/poly issues (too low res for the choosen art form). No problem in games like Strong Bad for instance but it makes certain scences in Sam&Max look kind of outdated, but as i said 204 and 205 are still good games.
  • edited May 2010
    I liked Moai Better Blues >.>
    Am I the only one? I keep seeing people saying it's the worst episode ever or something.
  • edited May 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    I liked Moai Better Blues >.>
    Am I the only one? I keep seeing people saying it's the worst episode ever or something.
    I liked it a lot. In my opinion, the first episodes are always the worst ones. (An opinion that this season seems to be continuing)
  • edited May 2010
    Season One to me was the pilot of the game, it started off where S&M needed to be.

    Season Two was the "Grand Opening" of the new series, it gave Sam & Max the edge they needed.

    Season Three currently outstands the the greatness of the first two Seasons.

    Now, don't get me wrong; I loved Seasons One and Two, but they needed that little something to make them great. Season One needed more plot twists and more exciting things. Season Two needed more areas and less recycled materiel. Basically, Season Two is not bad. It did need to be better but it was a marvel in it's time. (Although the bad facial expressions got on my nerves..)

    Avistew wrote: »
    I liked Moai Better Blues >.>
    Am I the only one? I keep seeing people saying it's the worst episode ever or something.

    I loved Moai Better Blues, I thought it was the best Episode of the series. People are to quick to judge good games.
  • edited May 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    I liked Moai Better Blues >.>
    Am I the only one? I keep seeing people saying it's the worst episode ever or something.

    Overall, I'd say Culture Shock was the weakest. If we focused on story, though ... Moai Better Blues it is.

    Though I have something of a soft spot for it since it was the first Sam & Max episode I managed to beat on my own -- no hints turned on, no walkthrough, nuthin'. I also rather liked playing with the portals.

    Oh! And Sam and Max as kids. That was the best.
  • edited May 2010
    Overall, I'd say Culture Shock was the weakest. If we focused on story, though ... Moai Better Blues it is.
    Yeah, Moai had a pretty terrible story and some pretty terrible characters (freakin' babies). Though I thought the puzzles were pretty good, particularly the
    red gong
  • edited May 2010
    The last "Worst S&M episode" poll Maoi Better Blues won over Culture Shock and Situation: Comedy.

    So yeah...
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