Sam and Max 302 - Magically transfered to Steam

edited May 2010 in Sam & Max
Ok, this is just strange.I asked Jake about it already, but he didn't know how this happened, neither did anyone else.I've preordered Season 3 as soon as I saw it was coming, and after playing the first episode, I noticed there was this way on the website to get a code from your game which you could add to Steam to get episode 1 over there too, so you could get the TF2 achievements.

Well, now that episode 2 is out, I of course only got it from, not again for Steam, logically enough, what is strange though is that, when I added the game to Steam as a non-steam game, it automatically magically transformed into the legit Steam version.This is the strangest thing I've ever seen.Now I have episode 2 in Steam too, and no idea how.

I hope anyone even understands what I'm speaking off, here's a screenshot for better understanding:

So in short:
-bought the game over
-got episode 1 to Steam for the TF2 items
-when episode 2 got out I DIDN'T have it on Steam (logically, because I only got the first one because of the items)
-I then added the second episode as a NON-STEAM game into my Steam-list
-And the NON-STEAM game turned into the legit Steam version

It's not like this is a problem, it's even awesome, it's just so random and strange, probably the most strangest thing ever happened to me in Steam, so I'm just wondering, how the hell can something like this ever happen?It's just to unlogical and strange.

Wonder if anyone could know :D,


  • edited May 2010
    I got it to.

    I guess we just got it as soon as valve released it on Valve Time.
  • edited May 2010
    Same here. To clarify, I didn't add it as non-Steam, it was just there. I guess this finally answered the question of whether the code gave us The Penal Zone or all of The Devil's Playhouse. At least unless Valve somehow changes it and cuts us off from the other three episodes. Somehow I get the feeling we'll get the whole season, though.
  • edited May 2010
    Sanin wrote: »
    It's not like this is a problem, it's even awesome, it's just so random and strange, probably the most strangest thing ever happened to me in Steam, so I'm just wondering, how the hell can something like this ever happen?It's just to unlogical and strange.
    Since you have activated the whole season on Steam (with the TF2 code), you'll get each episode on Steam when they launch.

    Steam tends to be slower than Telltale's site, so the episode appeared on your games list a day or two afterwards. Mystery solved. :p
  • edited May 2010
    Since there is no way to have only one episode of the season (yet), when you activated the game on Steam you actually got the whole season. Unlike Tales of Monkey Island (for example) 's release on Steam, this time the games do not appear first as "Not Yet Available" on your games list, but they just magically appear when they're out.

    I must say I am totally jealous right now. I got it on Steam (regardless of TF2) because I wanted the games on Steam, I had no idea that if I got it from TellTale I would also have it on Steam. This is so annoying, considering valve now decided to hate its customers and release the games whenever they feel like it instead of when they should.
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