Big bug in 302, tomb of sammun mak

edited May 2010 in Sam & Max
I am in the tomb of sammun mak, and talk with the moleman guard about curses, and asked about someones curse (don't remember the name), the option was grey. Because I never spoke to him before, I clicked it. The I came to the next wheel, with no conversation choices. Now I am stuck in a conversation I can't quit, and I don't have anything to say. Now I have to force quit and do that part over :(

I know the name, it's Benny. DON'T ASK ABOUT HIM IF THE OPTION IS GREY.


  • edited May 2010
    someone said somewhere that that happened to him when the
    sexo-rejexo hex wore off while under the effect of the bad luck hex
    . I suspect that is not the only way to cause that bug so that must have been what happened to you.
  • edited May 2010
  • edited May 2010
    NeatNit wrote: »
    someone said somewhere that that happened to him when the
    sexo-rejexo hex wore off while under the effect of the bad luck hex
    . I suspect that is not the only way to cause that bug so that must have been what happened to you.

    I never had any curse wear off apart from
    the cow one
    . Do you just wait?
  • edited May 2010
    First i was a bit confused that you couln't take certain things from one time to another one, for instance i got cursed in one film, changed to another one and boom the curse was away. After i grocked, that each time works only on its own and you can't take things with you, i got the curses where i needed them, where they never weared off.
  • edited May 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    I never had any curse wear off apart from
    the cow one
    . Do you just wait?

    Yeah, you pretty much just wait. Happened to me once in the tomb.
  • edited May 2010
    taumel wrote: »
    First i was a bit confused that you couln't take certain things from one time to another one, for instance i got cursed in one film, changed to another one and boom the curse was away. After i grocked, that each time works only on its own and you can't take things with you, i got the curses where i needed them, where they never weared off.

    Oh, yeah, when Max was first
    turned into a cow
    I figured I had to go to reel 2
    to give the milk to Santa
    but clicking the Max icon canceled out the curse so I ended up not doing it.
  • edited May 2010
    You don't wanna know how often i tried getting some milk from santa's milk bottles after i had found the glass but still had no idea about those curses, more as one of the bottles always dissapeared with santa and respawned when he was sitting again on the chair. One excuse, i was pretty tired.
  • edited May 2010
    I did that too, taumel, I did that too. :)
  • edited May 2010
    This curved some new meander into my brain, if i ever go to a cinema and see a old man drinking some milk, i'll wait until it's dark and...someday i'll get one of those bottles, and drink it on my own. :O)
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