Agent Superball?

edited May 2010 in Sam & Max
I've just realised, Agent Superball's appearance in 301 is the first and only time in the series that he is not preventing you from gaining access to a door. Could this mean that this is not Agent Superball but in fact his identical twin Agent Llabrepus?


  • edited May 2010
    Maybe he is tring to mend his ways of working for the bad guys? You know, the Puppet President/Chuckles, Huge Bliss, Jourgen, uh...whoever he is working for in 204 and still refuses to identify them.

    And besides...he didn't have any large doors to guard this time. We were already locked out of the office AND Skunkape opened his spaceship to the public. Besides, Skunkape had is goons block the other doors, also taking away Superball's job. Poor guy.
  • edited May 2010
    actually, superball stopped you from getting out after you
    revive gordon and go down the stairs
    , he appears, and although its not a puzzle you have to solve to get out, it does prolong the exit.
  • edited May 2010
    whoever he is working for in 204 and still refuses to identify them.

    ...I bet he's working for Sam & Max from Season 3 or 4, lol.
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