Nutrition Specks at the start of Episode 1?

edited May 2010 in Sam & Max
OK. I got the PS3 version of The Devil's Playhouse and love it. Now, after completing episode 1, I got the new location and found the nutrition specks when you get to the car for the first time.

Now, I just downloaded the 2nd episode and am still working on it. So, yesterday, I played the 1st episode again and something weird happened. Now, when ever I start a new game and when you first jump to max's mind at beginning of the tutorial level...I suddenly already have the Nutrition Specks, during the tutorial (and yes they work like they should). I still unlock the location at the car, but there is no point now that I already have them.

Weird, do any of the other PS3 owners of the 1st game have this happening when you start a new game to? Again, I still have the specks and they work fine, so its not really that big of a deal, but still.


  • edited May 2010
    I just went to test this out right now and the same thing happened to me. I fiddled around with them for a while; everything's in working order.

    Saves us a couple loading screens in future playthroughs, at least :)
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2010
    Once you've found the Nutrispecs on any playthrough, you get it at the start forever.

    (The only way to get the achievement is to play through those early parts w/the specs, as there are scannable things in there, I believe!)
  • edited May 2010
    Jake wrote: »
    Once you've found the Nutrispecs on any playthrough, you get it at the start forever.

    (The only way to get the achievement is to play through those early parts w/the specs, as there are scannable things in there, I believe!)

    I'm pretty sure the only spec related trophy involves the NutriSpecs, Future Vision and Pudding Head Lincoln.

    Edit: And if you want to see the 'getting the nutrispecs scene' again, just delete all the related files except the actual game).
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