My 2 cents about 302[Spoilers]

edited May 2010 in Sam & Max
I was little bit disappointed at the intro.. probably because 301's intro was so goddamn awesome (and long too).
Pretty good episode, a lot of glitches though (although they weren't game-stopping)

If you think about it, 302's disturbing in many ways:
1.You get to milk max.
2.You get to hurl an unwilling baby into the arms of a midget and an old man
3.You see "Sam" and "Max" die in many different horrifying ways.
4.Introduces the concept of "Sam" and "Max" having babies. BABIES!
Which of course, made the episode very very very awesome.


  • edited May 2010
    in 2, you must have meant: You get to hurl an unwilling baby into the arms of an elf and an old moleman :)

    The thing about Sameth and Maximus (?) having babies... At one point in the game, "Max" pretty much says that they don't have babies. And in the end, they die. When could they have had them?
  • edited May 2010
    Maximus is basically Max wearing clothes and living a hundred years in the past. Max's memory is so bad that in the previous episode he forgot that his best friend was a six foot tall talking dog. He probably did have kids and forgot about it.

    Or, since Sameth and Maximus appear to be unable to remember things that Sam and Max haven't seen yet, he didn't know he had kids because Max didn't, and it hadn't occurred to Max that Maximus had to have had kids to be his great grandfather.
  • TorTor
    edited May 2010
    Which of course, made the episode very very very awesome.
    NeatNit wrote: »
    At one point in the game, "Max" pretty much says that they don't have babies. And in the end, they die. When could they have had them?
    I think the current theory is that they did have kids, but that Maximus just doesn't remember because he has no long term memory...
    Edit: d'oh.. too slow!
  • edited May 2010
    Or one of the "many exciting adventures" in the middle including them rampantly procreating. :)
  • edited May 2010
    Or one of the "many exciting adventures" in the middle including them rampantly procreating. :)

    But Amelia Earheart is a baby!
  • edited May 2010
    Oh man I didn't mean th... and anyway, she's a woman.
  • edited May 2010
    The impression I got from the scene was that neither Sameth nor Maximus knew they had kids.

    "Tell you what, we won't do anything, but our kids will do stuff, does that sound fair?" "Wait, we have kids?" "Shut up!"

    Plus they never have the opportunity to tell the kids in question to do anything since they die right away. I think there is more to it.
  • edited May 2010
    sam and max didn't have no idea and max father so destine
  • edited May 2010
    Does it really matter? I mean, it's not like the comics are heavy on continuity. Sam and Max works fine with parts of the story making little sense. Though it's possible we get an answer later.
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