Yog Soggoth is Major Villain in 305!

edited May 2010 in Sam & Max
In Jurgen's Room in the Tomb of Sammunmak there is a statue of Yog Soggoth. (below)


It has tentacles coming from it's face extremley similarly to the icon for episode 305! (below)


This probably means Yog Soggoth is the main villain in 305! (City that Dares Not Sleep)
Please compare the two pictures and comment.


  • edited May 2010
    one: We have several threads on this already
    two: Many of H.P. Lovecrafts creatures have tentacles, That could be anyone
  • TorTor
    edited May 2010
    I'm hoping for something like this; I've enjoyed the Lovecraft references so far!
  • edited May 2010
    three: Episode 205 had Satan on its icon, but the main villain of the whole season wasn't Satan.
  • edited May 2010
    There was also a giant statue of Yog-Soggoth at the beggining of the episode - we knew that he was squid-like, but that doesn't mean that the image is referring to him. If it was that obvious, they'd probably show off a bit more of him. Furthermore, that doesn't make him the main villain either - he needs to be summoned by someone first, and presumably someone is going to want to try to control him.

    Being in the image doesn't automatically make them the villains either. Remember how Santa, the Maoi heads and Satan were in the image for their episodes? They weren't strictly the villains in their episodes either.

    Also, for that matter, who said that there had to be *one* main villain? It seems that there are going to be a variety of villains this season, all determined to control the psychic powers for their own goals.

    And the topic title seems spoilerific for those who haven't played Sammun-Mak yet. Might want to change that.
  • edited May 2010
    And the topic title seems spoilerific for those who haven't played Sammun-Mak yet. Might want to change that.

    Ahahah, I had this *breath pause* hilarious idea, like if Yog Soggoth IS the main villain of this season! Ahahah! Like, YoshiRoll didn't only spoil Episode 2, maybe he spoiled the entire season!! That would be REALLY funny! Hahaha, ahahah... aaaah....
  • edited May 2010
    not that Spoilerific, he was mention in 401 too.

    And also more to the point of icons, 101 and 106 had Sam and Max respectively. They obviously weren't villians
  • edited May 2010
    Remolay wrote: »
    not that Spoilerific, he was mention in 401 too.

    And also more to the point of icons, 101 and 106 had Sam and Max respectively. They obviously weren't villians

    I thought Max was a long running villain of all the franchise o_o!!
  • edited May 2010
    I always thought of him as a reluctant hero. He sort of just gets thrust into saving the day with sam

    Sam: We save the world
    Max: Sometimes on purpose
  • edited May 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    three: Episode 205 had Satan on its icon, but the main villain of the whole season wasn't Satan.

    No, it was something much worse. Not as in fiercer or more threatening, just a lot more vomit-inducing and ear-splitting.
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2010
    YoshiRoll wrote: »
    It has tentacles coming from it's face

    Tentacles?! I thought he just really likes spaghetti.

    Attachment not found.


    I'm pretty sure that child is evil though.
  • edited May 2010
    I think that he's not the main villain, but more of a weapon that the main villain, whose identity is still unknown, wants to have.
  • edited May 2010
    You could have picked a slightly less spoilerific title for this thread? :p
  • edited May 2010
    may be max is Yog Soggoth or the main villain
  • edited May 2010
    If Max is Yog Soggoth that would be a twist to end all twists.

    It would also be as dangerous as it would be wicked awesome!
  • edited May 2010
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    Tentacles?! I thought he just really likes spaghetti.

    Attachment not found.


    I'm pretty sure that child is evil though.

  • edited May 2010
    yes but profess episode 301 back it up
  • edited May 2010
    I really hope in 303 they start explaining more about The Devil's Toybox. After all, Yog is inside it or something.
  • edited May 2010
    I figured whoever took Max's brain took the Toybox too.
  • edited May 2010

    He's not evil. Man is evil. he is good.
  • edited May 2010
    Remolay wrote: »
    If Max is Yog Soggoth that would be a twist to end all twists.

    It would also be as dangerous as it would be wicked awesome!

    [Max]...is there really anything that is one and not the other?[/Max]
  • edited May 2010
    So, OP. Did it ever occurr to you that it's extremely retarded putting spoilers in the thread title? Tell me, how much of a brain do you have when you pull off something like taht?
  • edited May 2010
    But it's speculation.

    And "retarded" is offensive.
  • edited May 2010
    Max is the narrator...
  • edited May 2010
    So, OP. Did it ever occurr to you that it's extremely retarded putting spoilers in the thread title? Tell me, how much of a brain do you have when you pull off something like taht?

    "They Stole the OP's Brain!"
    Hmm... could be a good title for episode 3?
  • edited May 2010
    Well, if Yog Soggoth turns out to be anything like in this video I demand a plushie... :D
  • edited May 2010
    Shwoo wrote: »
    But it's speculation.

    And "retarded" is offensive.

    I just know I will be pissed off if he would be the major villain. And it's a spoiler for those not having played ep 2 yet. And if you think about it, the threadtitle could be a lot more non-spoilery. I think retarded is well deserved. You don't put spoilers or possible spoilers in the threadtitle if you know about how spoilers work.
  • edited May 2010
    I don't really see how the thread title is a spoiler. It's just speculation.
  • edited May 2010
    IDE/THEORY: The real bad guy is the
  • edited May 2010
  • edited May 2010
    That's a
    n00b ;)
  • edited May 2010
  • edited May 2010
    I think retarded is well deserved. You don't put spoilers or possible spoilers in the threadtitle if you know about how spoilers work.
    I didn't mean "by saying the word retarded you're insulting the person you're annoyed with". It's ableist language and using it as an insult is offensive towards the intellectually disabled.

    Just clarifying what I meant.
  • I just know I will be pissed off if he would be the major villain. And it's a spoiler for those not having played ep 2 yet. And if you think about it, the threadtitle could be a lot more non-spoilery. I think retarded is well deserved. You don't put spoilers or possible spoilers in the threadtitle if you know about how spoilers work.

    Well, Yog-Soggoth was mentioned in the first episode, but only as the official name of the Future Vision toy, "The Eyes of Yog Soggoth." Also, after listening to all the "Trick Papierwaite" options, I can't help but think o Max coming to the office one day with a little Yog Soggoth cub. "Can I keep him Sam? He followed me home, and drove everyone we saw insane!"
  • edited May 2010
    I figured out what Papierwaite is doing in Mama Bosco's Lab, if you click on the Dementional De-Stabilizer in Episode 1, Mama Bosco will say:

    "Tear down the fabric of reality and bring the Elder Gods back to this dementional plane."

    And isn't our favorite (current, that is) villain, bent on bringing Yog back to life?
  • edited May 2010
    Also, after listening to all the "Trick Papierwaite" options, I can't help but think o Max coming to the office one day with a little Yog Soggoth cub. "Can I keep him Sam? He followed me home, and drove everyone we saw insane!"

    Well, they did raise a cocodrile like a child, almost, so... I'll not rule out the possibility.
  • GinnyN wrote: »
    Well, they did raise a cocodrile like a child, almost, so... I'll not rule out the possibility.

    Okay, does this mean they'll have to feed Yog-Soggoth the same way they did John the alligator? And how's little Yoggie going to handle everyone trying to kidnap his mommy?
  • edited May 2010
    Okay, does this mean they'll have to feed Yog-Soggoth the same way they did John the alligator? And how's little Yoggie going to handle everyone trying to kidnap his mommy?

    I just say I don't rule out the possibility, I didn't think in the specifics!

    And probably Yoggie will send the kidnappers to the moon or something
  • edited May 2010
    If this theory is right, then Yog Soggoth can actually be the mastermind behind everything. Since he's a godlike entity, he could have manipulated the thoughts of all the villains, including Skunkape,
    Kringle, Jurgen, Papierwaite
    , Sal, etc., probably using the toys. Perhaps everything which happens in this season is part of his plan to return to the material world and rule it.
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