Collector's DVD

edited May 2010 in Sam & Max
In the Store, it shows this image as the Season 3 Collector's DVD:


This is just a placeholder image, right? Steve will illustrate a good copy, right?


  • edited May 2010
    It's definitely just a placeholder image. They probably won't think about the DVD artwork for a little while yet... unless they've already commissioned Steve Purcell to paint one.
  • edited May 2010
    Doesn't look like it can get more placeholder than that...
  • edited May 2010
    more like The Devil's Placeholder
  • edited May 2010
    It may not be a placeholder image, Wallace & Gromit had that same image on the site for months and then at the end, it was the official image. Still though, that image is cool and I wouldn't mind having that; but Steve will probably come up with a neato Psychic image. Or Ryan.
  • edited May 2010
    I have to say that's probably a placeholder, since it doesn't have "made by Telltale" or that kind of thing on it, but still, it actually is a good image to have on the cover. It fits the feel of the season and Sam and Max really pop out against that dark blue background. It's also far simple and more elegant looking than the previous non-Purcell covers did, which I really like. (No offense to whoever did design those covers; you were obviously going for a more "wacky and adventurous" look to match those seasons.)
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2010
    It's a placeholder.
  • edited May 2010
    Good. I'd like to see some Steve Purcell artwork, although the placeholder is O.K.
  • edited May 2010
    Well the character Avistew is set to appear in 304, and will have a major role in the season finale. She will probably end up on the final artwork, but they wouldn't want to give the secret away in the pic right now.
  • edited May 2010
    Well the character Avistew is set to appear in 304, and will have a major role in the season finale. She will probably end up on the final artwork, but they wouldn't want to give the secret away in the pic right now.

    That will only happen when I'm dead. Which I'm not, so no!
  • edited May 2010
    Well the character Avistew is set to appear in 304, and will have a major role in the season finale. She will probably end up on the final artwork, but they wouldn't want to give the secret away in the pic right now.

    They just don't want to show it because the boobs would be too much for some people
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