Having issues with S&M 302 under Linux w/ Wine (AKA 'Yadda is a sad penguin')

edited June 2010 in Game Support
Okay, so, I know you guys have all heard the sound issue... That ain't what I'm having trouble with.

Recently switched to Linux. 302 came out, and I figured, perfect chance to get Wine up and going.

In my case... I start the launcher... And it doesn't open. I installed all the stuff that people have said to via winetricks - vcrun2005 (+sp1), d3dx9, etc, etc...

101 works fine, 302 is f'd. Haven't tried any other episodes yet.

Q6600 CPU (overclocked), 2x GTX260-216 (SLI), Ubuntu Lucid 10.04, Wine 1.2-rc1, SB X-Fi sound card, 4GB RAM.

I ran a verbose (WINEDEBUG=warn+all) and it puked up something leading me to believe that it doesn't think that vcrun2005 is installed... Also something about webkit being missing, which makes no sense unless I need to install safari (I doubt it).

Anyone have any ideas? I'll look into it more later, but for now I have to go and wanted to know if anyone had some suggestions.


  • edited May 2010
    My bad, I read it too fast. I was going to say you needed to use winetricks, but rereading I noticed you said you already attempted this.
  • edited May 2010
    gonna just nuke my wine install - something must be screwy if it thinks something I installed isn't there.
  • edited June 2010
    Sorry for the double-post, but just want to bump this to the top for anyone that was wondering...

    Nuked my wine, used winetricks to install d3dx9, vcrun2005, then ie6, nothing else, ran the Sammun-Mak set-up... Is woikin' nao. Or at least the launcher is working. Gonna try out the actual game itself in 5... 4... 3...

    Edit: IT WOIKS!
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