So who put all those Yog Soggoth notes?

edited May 2010 in Sam & Max
In Santa's and Jurgen's coffin? Was it Baby Amelia?


  • edited May 2010
    There was only a note in Kringles pack (not coffin), I think it was Jurgen who put the note in, who in turn had his pack stolen.
  • edited May 2010
    If you do some things in the right order, you can get Jurgen to admit to being in the Brotherhood of Yog Soggoth that that note is from.
  • edited May 2010
    There are only cookie crumbs in Jurgen's trunk.
  • edited May 2010
    There's something I don't understand, who first stole the Toybox from Sameth & Maximus?
    I thought it was Kringle who stole it, and then Jürgen stole it from him and left the note, but then there are cookie crumbs in Jürgen's chest, so doesn't that means Kringle stole the Toybox from Jürgen?
    I'm confused.
  • edited May 2010
    I think Telltale kinda skipped over this...I think they added the note just for suspense. It was Amelia who took the chest.
  • edited May 2010
    no it simpo c1 stolen it theist c2 stolen it from c1 vein Amelia frames c1 and steals it
  • edited May 2010
    I think that the note and the cookie crumbs were used to lead you to the next suspect; after all, you can do Jurgen first or Kringle first. They were probably integrated into the scenes so much that they would have been too difficult to extract them out of the scene.
  • edited May 2010
    Actually, both the note and the cookie crumbs lead to the REAL culprit. Think about it for a second.
  • edited May 2010
    Actually, both the note and the cookie crumbs lead to the REAL culprit. Think about it for a second.
    Okay, I get the cookies, but are you saying that Amelia is in the Brotherhood of Yog Soggoth?
  • edited May 2010
    lombre wrote: »
    Okay, I get the cookies, but are you saying that Amelia is in the Brotherhood of Yog Soggoth?


    I did it Jugen then Kringle so thats how I saw it. The game designers need to get into the idea of making the player see certain events in a specific order.

    Thinking should be like this:
    Finding the toy box should Jugen then Kringle

    How do we keep the player from checking Kringle first?
    Simple the cookie tray that is outside his room for the milk and cookies puzzle should only appear after Jugen has been turned into a vampire.

    How do we cause Jugen to activate the Milk and Cookies?
    Simple have the Vampire Elf pop out of Kringle's Cabin after the player has looked through Jugen's baggage. So when the player leaves the car the scene plays out.

    Kringle then leaves the tray out for room service telling Sameth and Maximus not to mess with it saying something akin to Damn Hooligans.

  • edited May 2010

    I did it Jugen then Kringle so thats how I saw it. The game designers need to get into the idea of making the player see certain events in a specific order

    A certain quota of Freedom in a Game is always welcome, at least from my side, and, after been Dungeon Master in some games of Paper RPGs, if you can give some freedom to the player, do it, please.

    At first try I did it Kringle - Jurguen, so, I though it was the correct order, but I think, probably, can be the case of Sameth & Maximus -> Jurguen -> Kringle -> Jurguen -> Baby Amelia? There's no clue about it in the trunk of Sameth and Maximus, so, even could be Sameth & Maximus -> Elves/Kringle -> Jurguen -> Kringle -> Jurguen -> Baby Amelia. We also had no idea of how much time Sameth and Maximus taked in the launch cart, so, maybe was a comboluted plan of Baby Amelia for mess up with Sameth and Maximus, by telling to Jurguen that Kringle has the toy box (Somehow), and after that stole it herself and left the Cookie Crumbles near to Jurguen Trunk, so Sameth and Maximus will go to Kringle, if they didn't first.

    YES! I love overthink stuff!
  • edited May 2010
    I didn't find any cookie crumbs in Jurgen's trunk ...
  • edited May 2010
    Lena_P wrote: »
    I didn't find any cookie crumbs in Jurgen's trunk ...

    Yeah, I noticed that when my dad played. If you do Jurgen last, there are no crumbs.
  • edited May 2010
    Lena_P wrote: »
    I didn't find any cookie crumbs in Jurgen's trunk ...

    That's it if you do Jurgen first. The Yog Soggoth note is not removed in either order.
  • edited May 2010
    I did Kringle first, so they can be done in random order. BTW, I wonder whether Kringle is a member of the Brotherhood.
  • edited May 2010
    He is in the audience for the summoning of Yog-Soggoth (whether that's intentional or oversight is another matter.)

    Anyways, I figured (edit: like Ginny, I just realized) it was stolen from Sameth and Maximus by Jurgen whom fenced it to Kringle for unspecified reasons before being stolen back by Jurgen before being taken by Baby Amelia. The Moles are never involved nor are the Elves involved in the theft of the toybox, and all of it happens prior to the Player (I guess technically Sam & Max) being active.

    Oooo...I just realized the player's playing the player. Nice...
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