Italian Season 2 seems.... CANCELLED????

edited May 2010 in Sam & Max
I waited more than 2 years. Italian DVD version of season 2 was scheduled for q1 2009 at first, then delayed month after month.... now, at may 2010, no further dates were provided. Major Italian website Adventuregameshop says that the game will never be available in the Italian market.
If you understand Italian read this:

The nice part is that a multilanguage version (including Italian subtitles) is already out in France:
The only path I can follow to play the game in Italian is to import it from France, and play with Italian subtitles... kinda sad...

After all this time waiting, i feel now very discouraged even to support the Atari distribution channel buying the french version.

Will the multilanguage version of the game ever appear on Telltale Website through digital delivery (like MI:SE)? I don't mind the extras (even if the they would be great) but give us that little bunch of translated files to download! I'll pay for them! :P
It's strange that you've cups&sticks on your store but not foreign language versions of the games you do...

Sorry about the ranting, but your games are so good that they worth it! ;)


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