Gametap's Spoilerific Trailers

edited January 2007 in Sam & Max
Is Gametap making their own Sam and Max trailers?

I ask because both the Gametap trailers for Culture Shock and Situation: Comedy contained some pretty obvious puzzle solutions (though Situation: Comedy's Gametap trailer felt less egregious in this regard), and spoilers are no fun.

Any way for Telltale to tell Gametap what scenes they should avoid placing in trailers, or having their trailers reviewed by you guys first? Or should I make it a general rule to avoid Gametap trailers?


  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2006
    If you want to avoid spoilers your best route is to probably avoid all trailers! The GameTap trailers for Culture Shock were a bit more spoilery than we would have liked (my guess is that they are really used to doing trailers for cartoon shows and ten year old games, where it's okay if you include big big plot-hinging-on-this moments, because in thoses cases you're not robbing the audience of much by doing that), but we offered some suggestions and edits to early drafts of their Situation Comedy trailers to help cutting out the big spoilers. I think their trailers are great - they put the game in a nice professional (and funny) light - but how to properly tease a very short game, how to make the trailers compelling and show you whats in the episode, without also giving away so much of the it that it feels like you've already completed most of the game, is a learning experience for everyone involved.
  • edited December 2006
    The only spoiler I noticed was pretty subtle:
    lack of whizzer in the Embarassing Idol shot
  • edited December 2006
    Maratanos wrote: »
    The only spoiler I noticed was pretty subtle:
    lack of whizzer in the Embarassing Idol shot

    The same scene also has
    Sam singing in a high pitched voice
    , though. But I agree it was less spoilery than the Culture Shock trailer.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2007
    Yep, there were some big time spoilers in the Culture Shock trailers. We asked if we could be more closely involved with the Situation: Comedy trailer, and they sent it to us for feedback before it aired. We asked that two things be removed, and they were. Both things that were mentioned here in spoiler tags were added as a replacements for things we asked them to remove. I wish we'd seen it one last time because I probably would have asked for
    Sam singing in a high pitched voice to be replaced with Sam singing in a regular voice
    , but then again, we didn't specify in the first place that they shouldn't show that, so I can't blame them for it. Overall it's a great trailer and much less spoilery than Culture Shock's, and everyone at Telltale is happy with it.

    Figuring out what to release and what not to release can be really hard. Sometimes you don't realize you shouldn't have released something until it's too late. :eek: But we're all trying our best.
  • edited January 2007
    Gametap should probably start their trailers off with the caption: "Warning, this trailer may contain spoilers, inappropriately clad lagamorphs and unwanted destruction."

    Just to avoid confusion, that's all...
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