I, for one, welcome our new time travelling dinosaur overlords.
Same here but I am at least shocked that it happened. Remember I was shocked about sbcg4ap, super mario galaxy 2, project natal, etc... and so far they are some of my faves(yes natal isnt out yet but I dont care) so it isnt an insult.
Also that makes me wonder if there will be a point where they time travel in time against dinosaurs, or to back during monkey island's timeline.
EDIT: huh no one saw that coming so far.
It shocked me! Now I just hope that they can make a good movie based game, I've been disapointed a few times but this is TellTale, if they can make a game about an internet cartoon then I'm sure they can make some involing time travel (which they kinda already did) and dinosaurs.
I noticed there were threads about them, but never entered the threads so I wasn't expecting this announcement. Not sure what to expect though. I'm going to need to see more.
Damn, TTG does it again. It seems Telltale can always manage to surprise us with something completely unexpected, and then make it awesome. I don't doubt that these will be some awesome series.
Please be on Wii, please be on Wii, please be on Wii...
I totally didn't see this coming and I'm excited to see what they can do with two big intellectual properties like these. Hopefully we'll get more details at E3 next week.
On a side note, how big is this forum getting now what with all these new sections being created for their new games series!
Damn, TTG does it again. It seems Telltale can always manage to surprise us with something completely unexpected, and then make it awesome. I don't doubt that these will be some awesome series.
Please be on Wii, please be on Wii, please be on Wii...
I know it's on Wii, 360, PSN, PC, and Mac. Maybe iPad, don't remember.
ok so thats
4 people saw it coming
43 people didnt.
Actually, it's 4 people saw it coming and 45 people didn't.
I didn't see it coming, I still haven't watched the third Back to the Future movie nor Jurassic Park, but I intend to.
I'm pretty sure TTG will make great games out of these licenses... But I feel kinda saddened that this might mean we won't see another season of ToMI for a few years now... Back to the Future and Jurassic Park probably being more profitable...
I'm pretty sure TTG will make great games out of these licenses... But I feel kinda saddened that this might mean we won't see another season of ToMI for a few years now... Back to the Future and Jurassic Park probably being more profitable...
On the upside, they will have matured as a company even more by the time the next MI comes out!
On the upside, they will have matured as a company even more by the time the next MI comes out!
Yeah.. I agree with that.. And I'm really looking forward to the Back to Future game! I just hope that taking on more "mainstream" licenses causes them to neglect the smaller ones for being "less profitable"... But maybe that's just a folly concern (after all we're talking about telltale) I'll wait and see what happens... "TTG! Don't let the power corrupt your minds!"
nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! please no! I was so hoping that telltale would be making more lucasarts games. I dont dislike either of these movies but i think this will put other good lucas arts games on hold.
Guess it's time to watch the Jurassic Park movies now.
I just wonder how they're going to incorporate them as adventure games!
Can't wait for Back to the Future, so excited!
Same here but I am at least shocked that it happened. Remember I was shocked about sbcg4ap, super mario galaxy 2, project natal, etc... and so far they are some of my faves(yes natal isnt out yet but I dont care) so it isnt an insult.
Also that makes me wonder if there will be a point where they time travel in time against dinosaurs, or to back during monkey island's timeline.
EDIT: huh no one saw that coming so far.
Another crossover idea with this. They take a mariachis with them and they are named peddro and his dream is to sing birthdays to everyone.
Please be on Wii, please be on Wii, please be on Wii...
On a side note, how big is this forum getting now what with all these new sections being created for their new games series!
You may put that alongside the reviews
I know it's on Wii, 360, PSN, PC, and Mac. Maybe iPad, don't remember.
How did you get this information? I knew it, your a ninja.
'The as-yet-untitled Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii, PC and Mac games are set to be released this winter.'
My exact words.
I made a mistake in the poll, Mark another one to the no part
4 people saw it coming
43 people didnt.
Actually, it's 4 people saw it coming and 45 people didn't.
I didn't see it coming, I still haven't watched the third Back to the Future movie nor Jurassic Park, but I intend to.
GinnyN and I voted wrong
Thats to bad. I thought it would be cool to have a ninja on the forums.
Thats awesome that Back to the Future will be on all consoles. Now I will get it.
On the upside, they will have matured as a company even more by the time the next MI comes out!
Yeah.. I agree with that.. And I'm really looking forward to the Back to Future game! I just hope that taking on more "mainstream" licenses causes them to neglect the smaller ones for being "less profitable"... But maybe that's just a folly concern (after all we're talking about telltale) I'll wait and see what happens... "TTG! Don't let the power corrupt your minds!"
I just wonder how they're going to incorporate them as adventure games!
Can't wait for Back to the Future, so excited!