Meesta Pizza Appreciation Thread

edited June 2010 in Sam & Max
For anyone who's ever pined for "all the flavor of old Nipples", nursed a jones for the pineapple and asbestos special, or just envied those pigeons out in the back alley. This thread's for Meesta Pizza, the finest godawful pizza chain in New York.


  • edited June 2010
    Ahh, you can't get taste like that from real cheese! :D
  • edited June 2010
    Meesta Pizza: The pizzeria that canine detectives, psychopathic lagomorphs, evil space apes, and Stinky (yes...Stinky!) choose.
  • edited June 2010
    Meesta Pizza... is there anything they can't do? Literally, anything?
  • edited June 2010
    Well, they couldn't deliver to Washington D.C. back in 2007 when Max was running for President.
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