Season 2 Time line appreciation

edited June 2010 in Sam & Max
Recently been playing through Season 2 again, back to back, and I have to say, playing them one after the other has allowed me to see a lot more smaller jokes relating to the time line, it's all very clever, my fave one being the Ink Tape from Episode 3, being useless all the way through it, but then having it appear at the end of Episode 4 as Sam throes it into the Time Vortex, only to have it "land in some Castle in Germany about a Month Ago!"

Just wanted to make this thread to let you guys know that kind of joke just rocks. :)


  • edited June 2010
    Yeah, that series was managed really cleverly with stuff like (maybe some SPOILERS):

    Episode 1 - 5 Santa's sleigh rescue
    Episode 2 - 5 volcano eruption of lava through triangle
    Episode 3 - 4 ink like you said
    Episodes 1,2,3 - 4 birthday mariachi
    Episode 4 - 5 swapping items through window, flint paper at door
    Episode 4 - Sam and Max reliving all the previous episodes
  • edited June 2010
    I'm definitely joining this one - jumping back and forth in the timestream was a major element in Season 2 goodness :cool:
  • edited June 2010
    That ep 3-4 joke was pretty funny. When I got the ink ribbon in ep3 i was like when do I use this ?@_@ but never did XD then in ep 4 i knew where the ink ribbon came from :D
  • edited June 2010
    I enjoyed the jokes of the time things in Season 2, I appreciate it.
  • edited June 2010
    I was too afraid of creating a time paradox and suffered from psychological distress the whole season, so I didn't appreciate it at all.
  • edited June 2010
    it sam and max how Ceres it part of thar job
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