Old News?

edited January 2007 in Sam & Max
I poked around the forums, and was surprised to see no mention of this anywhere by anybody, unless I totally missed it somehow. (I even used the "search" feature.)

Sam and Max: Culture Shock was picked as GameSpot.com's Funniest Game of the Year. (2006)


Kudos TellTale!

Can't wait to play Situation:Comedy over the weekend.

(Feel free to now belittle me for re-bringing up basic knowledge that everyone already knows.)


  • edited January 2007
    From the site:

    "Sam & Max's latest adventure might only be a few hours long, but man, they really pack in a lot of great, funny material into the first episode of the detective duo's latest set of adventures. Almost every single object in the game has at least one line of dialogue associated with it that will make you smile, if not chuckle. And what's more, the game does a pretty good job of getting the timing right. Timing's obviously a huge part of comedy, and getting it right helps send this one over the top"
  • edited January 2007
    It is on the Telltale Buzz... but I think it is worth telling over and over again :D
  • edited January 2007
    Derwin wrote: »
    It is on the Telltale Buzz... but I think it is worth telling over and over again :D

    So, you think that Sam and Max: Culture Shock was picked as GameSpot.com's Funniest Game of the Year. (2006) is worth telling over and over again?

    That telling people over and over that Sam and Max: Culture Shock was picked as GameSpot.com's Funniest Game of the Year. (2006) is a good idea?

    That it's a good idea to tell people over and over that Sam and Max: Culture Shock was picked as GameSpot.com's Funniest Game of the Year. (2006)?

    I'm not quite sure what you're saying here?
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