ep 303 trailer finally up

edited June 2010 in Sam & Max
wel, as the tittle implies the trailer is finally up showing some cool Sam moments x)

Wonder who's brain is Max getting......from Sammun-Mak maybe? :.


  • edited June 2010
    Gaah it's 2:48am here and I have to really try and hold in my fan-girl scream... AHHH THIS LOOKS SO AWESOME!!!! His methods may be questionable but he always gets results!
  • edited June 2010
    I'm thinking Sammun-Mak too. And, looks like he died as a child. Now, his brain couldn't be there so moisty, so, there's something wrong in all this, somehow.

    Now, I really wonder where's Max.
  • edited June 2010
    Ian was right! His guess was that we'd have to put people's brains in Max like we did with the monster in 203. Can't wait to see how it turns out!

    I'm more excited by the Puzzle Agent trailer right now but they're both looking nice.
  • edited June 2010
    Baby Ameila Earhart's brain inside Max? This I got to see!
  • edited June 2010
    is it just me, or did Max's new brain sound like The Geek?
  • edited June 2010
    Baby Ameila Earhart's brain inside Max? This I got to see!

    Sounded more like the Geek to me.
  • edited June 2010
    ... Oh, so you think we give Max only one brain? I was hoping Ian's idea of switching between brains to solve different puzzles would turn out to be true.
    Oh well, wait and see.
  • edited June 2010
    Yeah, when I heard the squeaky little girl voice my first thought was "are they bringing the Geek back?"

    It's been a long time since I watched the cartoon, though, so I can't say that I actually recognized the voice.
  • edited June 2010
    Now I notice this, the Title Card of "They stole Max's Brain" has a Blue Fabric Texture in the Background. That could be... Sam's jacket?
  • edited June 2010
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    Sounded more like the Geek to me.

    That'd be one heck of a plot twist!

    I think it's most likely Sammun-Mak's, like GinnyN said it did look like he died young, still the idea of switching brains for different puzzle solutions is an interesting idea.
  • edited June 2010
    I did not expect Sal to sound like that!

    Still, awesome trailer. Loved the neon signs as Sam drove down the road.
  • edited June 2010
    Okay, well, that took about half an hour to calm down enough to type a legible post.

    That was AMAZING. This is shaping up to be my favorite episode already. Also, Sal kinda sounds like Sylvester Stallone to me.
  • edited June 2010
    it ant the geek he male ......
    in the words of sam maaaaaaxxxxxxxxxxx
  • edited June 2010
    Woo, Majus! Way to typecast him as "foreign guy", guys. Sheesh.

    Also, it's good to see that we start with the toys we finished 301 with and also find the rhinoplasty.

    And that's just the tip of the iceburg. There's so much more awesome in that trailer than I can express.
  • edited June 2010
    Haha. I'm glad I'm not the only one who heard The Geek when watching that trailer. The thought was quickly dispelled when said mystery brain acted rather un-Geek-like. Sammun-mak is a good theory. The brain would need to be psychic to work too, so it makes sense.
  • edited June 2010
    I think Sal qualifies as the most disturbing of all Sam and Max characters. On the one hand, he's a giant cockroach. On the other hand, he sounds like even more mellifluous Patrick Warburton. The cognitive dissonance is making me feel a little queasy ...
  • edited June 2010
    Film noir narration!

    Darkness and rain!

    Sam upset!

    Video poker!

    The brain in Max's body doesn't really sound like the Geek. The tone is wrong. She sounds more like Baby Amelia Earhart, but I hope it's Sammun-Mak.

    What does Bob say before Sam says "Stop holding out on me!"? "Sam knows!"? I though he was saying "Sam, no!", but there's a definite s sound on the end of the line.
  • edited June 2010
    I think that might just be the effect they use on Jared's voice to make it tinny. Also, I just realized Sam's five o'clock shadow extends down his neck ... unh. Love that the seats in the de Soto are all cracked, though :p
  • edited June 2010
    Shwoo wrote: »
    Film noir narration!

    Darkness and rain!

    Sam upset!

    Video poker!

    The brain in Max's body doesn't really sound like the Geek. The tone is wrong. She sounds more like Baby Amelia Earhart, but I hope it's Sammun-Mak.

    What does Bob say before Sam says "Stop holding out on me!"? "Sam knows!"? I though he was saying "Sam, no!", but there's a definite s sound on the end of the line.

    It's "Sam, No!" You might be hearing Sam saying "Stop-" after that and combining the sounds?

    The brain starts off sounding like the Geek, then starts to sound a teensy bit like Amelia, but with less of her distinctive way of talking. That's how I hear it anyways.
  • edited June 2010
    I do not hear anything that comes close to sounding like Baby Amelia Earhart.
  • edited June 2010
    Yeah, the voice is way off. Not even close.


  • edited June 2010
    I watched it another few times, and I guess I was mishearing it. Thanks.

    I was going to say that the Geek's voice is a lot deeper than the brains, but I was basing that on the first episode, and I guess her voice did get higher pitched as the series went on.
  • edited June 2010
    I almost thought it was Amelia's voice, after all... A blimp, transportation, almost hard to consider it.
  • edited June 2010
    All things considered, I think Sammun-Mak is probably the best guess. It seems unlikely that they'd bring in The Geek, and even if the voice seems a bit high-pitched it could definitely be a small boy.

    Then again if I remember my history correctly, the Egyptians didn't preserve the brains- oh who am I kidding this is Sam & Max.
  • edited June 2010
    TrogLlama wrote: »
    Then again if I remember my history correctly, the Egyptians didn't preserve the brains- oh who am I kidding this is Sam & Max.

    Nope, they pull them out first through the nose.
  • edited June 2010

    Ever since I saw the screenshots I was thinking how cool it would be for Sam to narrate the whole episode to go along with the hard boiled detective theme, and LO AND BEHOLD! And man, Sam is even scarier in action.

    I'm casting my vote for the brain being Sammun-Mak's, too, what with the museum and all. Either that or the fairy dinosaur.
  • edited June 2010
    or Sal's lunch homespun brans
  • edited June 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    I'm more excited by the Puzzle Agent trailer right now but they're both looking nice.

    Same here.

    I am also slightly annoyed by Sam in this one.
  • edited June 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »
    Nope, they pull them out first through the nose.

    It's been a long time since I learned about the mummification process, but I could have sworn that they pulled the brain out first and tossed it because they didn't believe it did anything.
  • edited June 2010
    They did. Through the nose.
  • edited June 2010
    Ohmygod I'm loving the atmosphere of this trailer. That smooth sax in the background, film noir narration...and damn if Sam's hardboiled, ragged voice didn't impress me. Nowlin has come miles since Season One. I especially liked the growl as he walked up to backhand that gorilla :p

    I'm on the "Brain is Sammun-Mak's" wagon; the voice seemed to have a bit of an accent. It did sound a lot like The Geek's, though.

    Also noting the strange lapses in Sam's...uh, "insanity"? He didn't seem to mind when Sal called Max garbage, sounded more like his normal self. I'm probably just reading into it too much.
  • edited June 2010
    The "Nope" was as in, "Nope, you're right, they didn't preserve them".

    I thought they kept it in some kind of box though, kept with the sarcophagus.
  • edited June 2010
    Omegabegin wrote: »
    Also noting the strange lapses in Sam's...uh, "insanity"? He didn't seem to mind when Sal called Max garbage, sounded more like his normal self. I'm probably just reading into it too much.

    He doesn't need to be angry the whole time. Or sound like angry the whole time.

    Appart, he always has been insane, he just leaves the menasing part to Max. Normaly.
    Avistew wrote: »
    The "Nope" was as in, "Nope, you're right, they didn't preserve them".

  • edited June 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »
    He doesn't need to be angry the whole time. Or sound like angry the whole time.

    Appart, he always has been insane, he just leaves the menasing part to Max. Normaly.

    I suppose you're right. I just thought it was weird that Sal outright called Max's body "garbage", and Sam didn't seem to mind it at all. His berserk button seems rather choosy ;)
  • edited June 2010
    Omegabegin wrote: »
    I suppose you're right. I just thought it was weird that Sal outright called Max's body "garbage", and Sam didn't seem to mind it at all. His berserk button seems rather choosy ;)

    It's look to me that he really mind it. I'm pretty sure that was his surprise face after all.
  • edited June 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »
    It's look to me that he really mind it. I'm pretty sure that was his surprise face after all.

    I thought he would get angry or something, maybe? I guess the reaction seemed too 'normal' to me when the whole trailer showed him snarling and slapping people who hadn't even done anything wrong yet, let alone insult his dead little buddy.

    In either case, I'm still fairly sure it's not anything worth noting anyway.
  • edited June 2010
    YES! This! Perfect! (Hmm ... I was sure I had something more articulate lined up for this a few minutes ago. Oh well.)

    Seriously, anticipation has risen to fever-pitch levels on this end. Just one more week ...

    Oh, and FWIW, I also thought the brain's voice belonged to a girl at first (Baby Amelia was the immediate culprit who came to mind, but I knew the voice was off). Now I would be surprised if it belonged to anyone other than Sammun-Mak. The only thing throwing me off -- and I could be misremembering this -- is that I thought Sammun-Mak managed to reach at least teenagehood before dying, judging by the paintings in the tomb.
    GinnyN wrote: »
    It's look to me that he really mind it. I'm pretty sure that was his surprise face after all.

    Yeah, and we're probably missing some important context here. For example, Sam might only be talking to Sal because he's an obstacle standing in the way of what Sam's looking for in the museum, not because he's interrogating him. That alone could change the tone of the conversation.
  • edited June 2010
    I'm listening to the voice of Max's new brain and it sounds to me more like one of Santa's elves. The one that was possessed by the Shambling Corporate Presence in 201. Definitely doesn't sound like The Geek, though.

    So, yeah, I'm split betweek the Sammun-Mak theory and my own Santa's Elf theory.

    Also, I have the feeling that the Rhinoplasty is going to play a big part in this episode. Did anyone else notice it sitting on the Narrator's desk?
  • edited June 2010
    @ Nagaoka

    He says "Stop holding out on me!" This was a fantastic trailer. I absolutely loved the "Noooooooo!!" And of course Sam slapping people around. It reminds me of something he says in his sleep in the story Surfin' the Highway. It's something like "zzz... slap you silly, you cheap punk... zzz". Looks like Sam isn't averse to hitting people in comic canon either.
  • edited June 2010
    Am I the only one that noticed that it's advertising that 303 will be out on "Weds, June 22"? June 22 is a Tuesday...
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