The 3DS does sound interesting. I'd like to see the 3D function before I commit to buying one, but who am I kidding I'd probably get one anyway when it comes out. I got my DSphat on the day it came out, although I had a bit more money then...
I would like to see this list. And the unfortunate fanboy in me has to point out that unless the list is a joke, which of course would be "hilarious" in the sense that everyone makes jokes about the Wii, then only really the companies that can't seem to break onto the Wii, something which seems to be monumentally easy considering the vast majority of successful shovelware it has, are the ones who feel the need to badmouth the specs.
Of course I try to keep that fanboy repressed as much as possible, it tends to get in the way of good games.
The wii isn't as easy to break in to as you think. The shovelware games are, with a few notable exceptions (mainly Nintendo games), the only games that sell well. Even then, they don't sell that much, but the low development costs make the appealing to devs. More than a few devs have backed away from the system. (although they seem to keep coming back)
It doesn't bother me that much though. The only games I play on wii are Nintendo ones, or Adventure gamesOthers are often superior on the HD consoles (online, lack of motion controls etc).
nintendo isn't as stupid as sony, so... question answered.
Im not so sure about that when u think how badly people hacked the Wii system.
However Nintendo rules on portable games and i kinda think they got better quality games on portable games than their counterparts. They even have better games than their Wii console!
The wii isn't as easy to break in to as you think. The shovelware games are, with a few notable exceptions (mainly Nintendo games), the only games that sell well. Even then, they don't sell that much, but the low development costs make the appealing to devs. More than a few devs have backed away from the system. (although they seem to keep coming back)
It doesn't bother me that much though. The only games I play on wii are Nintendo ones, or Adventure gamesOthers are often superior on the HD consoles (online, lack of motion controls etc).
Heh, yeah I have to agree with you there. Most of my games are Nintendo games, although there's a few good others out there. I remember reading a good analogy, which was worded something like "You can't starve someone, and then complain when their corpse doesn't eat your 5 star meal". Basically lots of developers jumped on the party game bandwagon, and then were somehow shocked when, several years later when they decided to try and make proper games, no one was buying them.
So is it really hard for developers? The Wii, in conjunction with the DS, has literally made Nintendo more money than God and although they are losing momentum, 10% off of hundreds of millions still leaves them with hundreds of millions. The point I'm getting at is that people out there are buying games for it. My sister has bought quite a bit of shovelware for her sons and games like Just Dance and Carnival Fun Games (ugh) seem to do really well. I just automatically assumed that with the low development costs and high user base many companies would at least break even with games on the Wii. It is possibly the safest console to test waters with.
Also curse you LuigiHann! I wanted a list. You have left me list-less
Heh, yeah I have to agree with you there. Most of my games are Nintendo games, although there's a few good others out there. I remember reading a good analogy, which was worded something like "You can't starve someone, and then complain when their corpse doesn't eat your 5 star meal". Basically lots of developers jumped on the party game bandwagon, and then were somehow shocked when, several years later when they decided to try and make proper games, no one was buying them.
So is it really hard for developers? The Wii, in conjunction with the DS, has literally made Nintendo more money than God and although they are losing momentum, 10% off of hundreds of millions still leaves them with hundreds of millions. The point I'm getting at is that people out there are buying games for it. My sister has bought quite a bit of shovelware for her sons and games like Just Dance and Carnival Fun Games (ugh) seem to do really well. I just automatically assumed that with the low development costs and high user base many companies would at least break even with games on the Wii. It is possibly the safest console to test waters with.
Also curse you LuigiHann! I wanted a list. You have left me list-less
Well, the wii console itself sells for a rather hefty profit (around $70 i think), which is unusual, as most consoles sell for a loss (like the PS3, sony looses money on every unit sold, but makes money on license fees from dev companies for their games). The Wii's issue is that it may have 70 million od users, but only a small portion of that buy games regularly. Which is why the low-budget games are so popular amongst devs: they only need a few thousand sales to get their money back.
Here's what we know for sure: Hardcore gamers enjoy games that are funny and/or cool. That's why you get big sales for Gears of War on Xbox 360 because it's really cool and most Xbox 360 customers are hardcore gamers. Casual gamers like games with licensed characters that they recognize. That's why you get big sales for games like Mario or Ghostbusters on Wii because those names are recognizable and Wii is mostly casual gamers.
3DS is going to attract a combination of hardcore and casual gamers that neither Xbox or Wii has been able to get. So that means if the hardcore 3DS owners see TellTale is developing the games, they'll buy it b/c Telltale is known for making games that are funny and cool. And when the casual 3DS owners see awesome licenses like Jurassic Park and Back to the Future, they'll but it because they recognize those names.
If Telltale pushes games like those out for 3DS let's start the sales at a couple million and go up from there
The wii isn't as easy to break in to as you think. The shovelware games are, with a few notable exceptions (mainly Nintendo games), the only games that sell well. Even then, they don't sell that much, but the low development costs make the appealing to devs. More than a few devs have backed away from the system. (although they seem to keep coming back)
It doesn't bother me that much though. The only games I play on wii are Nintendo ones, or Adventure gamesOthers are often superior on the HD consoles (online, lack of motion controls etc).
I was joking when I said there was a list.
Im not so sure about that when u think how badly people hacked the Wii system.
However Nintendo rules on portable games and i kinda think they got better quality games on portable games than their counterparts. They even have better games than their Wii console!
Heh, yeah I have to agree with you there. Most of my games are Nintendo games, although there's a few good others out there. I remember reading a good analogy, which was worded something like "You can't starve someone, and then complain when their corpse doesn't eat your 5 star meal". Basically lots of developers jumped on the party game bandwagon, and then were somehow shocked when, several years later when they decided to try and make proper games, no one was buying them.
So is it really hard for developers? The Wii, in conjunction with the DS, has literally made Nintendo more money than God and although they are losing momentum, 10% off of hundreds of millions still leaves them with hundreds of millions. The point I'm getting at is that people out there are buying games for it. My sister has bought quite a bit of shovelware for her sons and games like Just Dance and Carnival Fun Games (ugh) seem to do really well. I just automatically assumed that with the low development costs and high user base many companies would at least break even with games on the Wii. It is possibly the safest console to test waters with.
Also curse you LuigiHann! I wanted a list. You have left me list-less
Well, the wii console itself sells for a rather hefty profit (around $70 i think), which is unusual, as most consoles sell for a loss (like the PS3, sony looses money on every unit sold, but makes money on license fees from dev companies for their games). The Wii's issue is that it may have 70 million od users, but only a small portion of that buy games regularly. Which is why the low-budget games are so popular amongst devs: they only need a few thousand sales to get their money back.
3DS is going to attract a combination of hardcore and casual gamers that neither Xbox or Wii has been able to get. So that means if the hardcore 3DS owners see TellTale is developing the games, they'll buy it b/c Telltale is known for making games that are funny and cool. And when the casual 3DS owners see awesome licenses like Jurassic Park and Back to the Future, they'll but it because they recognize those names.
If Telltale pushes games like those out for 3DS let's start the sales at a couple million and go up from there