My voodoo cards are here!
I just received my voodoo card set in the mail today, and I figured I'd share its contents with all of you.
Front Cover
Back Cover
The Cards
And here's a list of all the cards included...
More detailed pictures:
The First Batch
The Second Set
The Final Few
All in all, it's really nice stuff. Very high quality material. It almost makes me want to learn how to read tarot cards.
Front Cover
Back Cover
The Cards
And here's a list of all the cards included...
The Tower
The Mouth
The Lovers
The Transformation
The Journey
The Lothario
The Guide
The Fracture
The Devil
The Curse
The Shivress
The Victim
The Healer
The Tower
The Mouth
The Lovers
The Transformation
The Journey
The Lothario
The Guide
The Fracture
The Devil
The Curse
The Shivress
The Victim
The Healer
More detailed pictures:
The First Batch
The Second Set
The Final Few
All in all, it's really nice stuff. Very high quality material. It almost makes me want to learn how to read tarot cards.
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They look fantastic!
Can't wait for mine to ship!
So, going by the pics, your set had 21 cards, right?
Mmm, that leaves one card pictured in the Telltale photo, the one with the monkey buffoon not pictured in your pics.
So the new ones are:
That leaves these cards not included in the set: The Scientist (in the game), The 6th Sense (in the game) & the Monkey Buffoon one (mmm, either the Fool or the Joker I guess, this should be the one in the Deluxe Edition)
The material's great. It's a very nice plastic that has a really good feel and sheen. The cards themselves are fairly strong, probably on the same level as a regular card in a deck of 52. I will say, though, that my one complaint is the difficulty I had getting the box of cards to open without bending the top. But that's only a minor niggle.
They look amazing
The back of the cards are pretty much the same as the back of the deck, except the cards have a very small "Copyright LucasArts" in the corner.
*lol* Sounds familiar. And if I manage to do it the first time, I mess up the second time I open it.
But why is there an ESRB rating on the box?
I was wondering the same thing.
So Voodoo Cards: ready for shipping
Art Portfolio: ready for shipping
Tomi deluxe edition: ready for shipping
Lets hope it doesn't take too long for the stuff to get here now!!
Let's see, direct Tarot I mentioned elsewhere, The Tower, The Lovers, Strength, Justice, and Death are direct equivalents. Now that I know LeChuck on his throne is The Devil, that's another direct counterpart. The Shivress could quite easily correspond to The High Priestess/Popess (the imagery doesn't seem to match with The Empress and there's no male counterpart to serve as The Emperor). Thematically, The Journey can stand in for The Chariot, The Guide could stand in for The Magician/Juggler, and Betrayal, Treachery, or The Victim could stand in for The Hanged Man/Traitor. Add those ten equivalents to The Fool (which if it is indeed called that is another direct equivalent) and my thinking that half of the voodoo deck could be tied to the Major Arcana with relative ease was dead on.
Huh? What? Where? What are you talking about? My order has the deluxe edition in it and it still says that annoying "backordered" thing...
Wow. That case would've made a way better slip cover for the Deluxe DVD with the Purcell artwork being the main artwork in the actual case.
Oh yes, the cards are nice too!
...wait, I tell you guys everything already. Nevermind.
he cut the cucumber lengthwise?
....ok no, but that would be awesome.
He was the sheriff, not the deputy?
I also got the logo t-shirt today too. The logo on the front is a little bit smaller than I thought it'd be, but it still looks really nice. The back of the shirt also has the phrase "I'm a Mighty Pirate" written in small green letters near the collar. I don't remember this being mentioned on the product page when I ordered it, so I thought I'd mention it here.