They stole max's brain - Finished thread *SPOILERs*

edited June 2010 in Sam & Max
Ok, so I did this for penal zone and forgot to do one for the tomb of sammun mak. At the time of posting, the new episode arrives in 9 minuets.

Basically, once you finished the game, come back to this thred, and we can discuss what we thought about the game. And scream about "NOW I HAVE TO WAIT ANOTHER MONTH TO FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENED TO BABY JESUS CHRIST AND BABY AMELIA AIRHEART!"

Or something like that.

6 minuets. AWW DAMN!!! Here we go!


  • edited June 2010
    Completed it. Would have completed it sooner if I didn't have to put ice under my computer to get it stable enough to run the game.
  • edited June 2010
    I would have completed it sooner has I not wanted tortillas suddenly. I still beat it pretty fast.
    Sammun-Mak being the villain was a good twist
  • edited June 2010
    This is kind of the last spill crazy into the mix episode. 4 and 5 are the tie up episodes.

    And boy do we have a lot to tie up!

    3 remaining villains and a whole box of toys we haven't used yet etc.
  • edited June 2010
    And a well-designed one, since it emerges from gameplay.
  • edited June 2010
    I loved the Monkey Island Reference Sal said along with conferming Sal was Stinky's cook.
  • edited June 2010
    I do love the questions raised and the new elements added to the grand scheme of things. It also changed how I viewed the first two episodes greatly by
    bringing the villains back and telling us that they're still in play and that they would be allowed to live up to their potentials. Of course this episode isn't their last, either!
  • edited June 2010
    Just finished, definitely my favourite episode
  • edited June 2010
    Finished it and boy does my brain hurt :)
  • edited June 2010
    Only got really stuck once, over all it was a good episode and a pretty good twist,
    now we have to wait and find out what the heck is with all the sams!
  • edited June 2010
    loved it and
    A TALKING skull! three monkey island references in the space of two sals
  • edited June 2010
    Sam beating up Skunkape = Awesome. Thank you Telltale.
  • edited June 2010
    A thought just struck me:
    Dr Norrington and the Narrator both talk in posh voices.
    No-ring-ton...Na-rra-tor they are similar sounds
    Dr Norrington wants Yog-Sogoth to be summoned from another realm
    The Narrator is clearly invested in this story and in some other realm place.
    What if Dr Norrington = Narrator = Yog-Sogoth?
    The concept of the narrator intrigues me as it seems he MUST come into the main plot some how, why else suddenly have a narrator after 2 seasons especially when he doesn't do anything that couldn't be done without him?
  • edited June 2010
    Great episode. Now on to not so patiently waiting for the next.
  • edited June 2010
    Completed. It was definitely different
  • edited June 2010
    My top tip for time saving in this game would be:
    After you got the have the toys with max's brain drive to the gift place and frankie and check the pay phones; then drive to the museum . From then on you can tele about easily.

    The pay phones cover two lcoations, stinkys cell covers another and cops dumps u right in the museum
  • edited June 2010
    For some reason I'm hoping Sam and Max get to beat up the narrator at the end of the season. It just seems like something they'd do if they knew he existed.
  • edited June 2010
    Really really loved the noir part, especially what they did with the driving cut-scenes, semi-interactive dialogues and superb musical score.

    Liked the museum part (Sal is one to stay!)

    But found the last part in the alternate reality quite bland graphic wise, and dull game-play wise (don't kill me for this)..

    Episode two is still my favorite despite its technical flaws,
  • edited June 2010
    Emo Hoe wrote: »
    A thought just struck me:

    The concept of the narrator intrigues me as it seems he MUST come into the main plot some how, why else suddenly have a narrator after 2 seasons especially when he doesn't do anything that couldn't be done without him?

    Well, I think the Narrator is a great story-telling device and totally fits the overall feel of this season, without having anything to do with the plot.

    But, I did think that
    Dr. Norrington sounded uncannily like him
    , and
    it would be even cooler if he did get involved in the story somehow!
    knowing that Telltale don't make a new character model without a damn good reason, it wouldn't surprised me if they reused this one to make a final badass villain!
  • edited June 2010
    My overall thoughts on the episode:

    Wow, this was great. Sharpest writing since Hit the Road, and the writing is the #1 most important part of such a crucially story-driven game! There were a few weaker points in the puzzles, and I was disappointed I didn't get to beat up a few more suspects during the whole noir segment - but yeah, this was a great episode all round :)
  • edited June 2010
    Apart from the noir act not being long enough, the "ALL HAIL SAMMUN-MAK!" getting old as soon as it started and the alternate reality going on for too long, I really liked this episode.

    Everything followed on bizarrely yet logically. The puzzles really challenged me and I got lots of satisfaction when I completed puzzles. The story-telling, script and voice-acting are all spot on (nice to see Nicki Rapp invited back for a different role), so plz give yourselves a pat on the back from me!

    The episode felt HUGE, both in terms of length of script/storyline and amount of locations. Nice to see the future vision used very sparingly and how inventive the somewhat excessive use of the rhinoplasty was.

    Not quite my favourite TT episode but it's in my top 8, that's for sure.
  • edited June 2010
    Was anybody not really puzzled as to how all those Sam clones came to be there? If so, plz enlighten us mortals who mouthed "wtf?" at our screens at that moment!
  • edited June 2010
    Strangely I found this episode considerably easier than the first two, clocking in at almost exactly 3,5 hours for me (with hints deactivated) while the other two took me over 4 hours to finish (with some hints).

    While the first two acts were really fantastic (especially the first one - if too short), I didn't like the last act too much. Someone wrote that the visuals were blant and the puzzles too obvious (and I agree with the Mojo review criticising the fact that you have to solve two puzzles the same way: with the corndogs pyramid), and I felt the same way. The inside of the museum looked great though, and the finale was fantastic again.

    However, altogether a great episode, although I still like Episode 2 the best until now.

    Regarding the clones:
    I've gotta admit that there was no WTF-moment here, because weeks ago someone on the forums wrote something about an army of Sam clones, and I remembered that when the clones showed up... how the heck did he/she know? And who wrote that???
  • edited June 2010
    Regarding the clones:
    I've gotta admit that there was no WTF-moment here, because weeks ago someone on the forums wrote something about an army of Sam clones, and I remembered that when the clones showed up... how the heck did he/she know? And who wrote that???
    Part of the initial promotion frenzy at the beginning of the season included a picture of (almost) all the villains lined up. Among them were 4 of the Sam clones.
  • edited June 2010
    Was a good episode, it started out quite well, i must say i love the noir and the ability to do stuff to people while talking to them, they should really bring that back in the next episodes, where say sam can threaten and max could hit them and stuff like that.

    But overall, its not my favorite episode. This episode also had quite alot of bugs.

    The noir stuff was over to fast :( really took me back to max payne damn, The Pc markedet needs more noir story telling games.
  • edited June 2010
    RMJ1984 wrote: »
    But overall, its not my favorite episode. This episode also had quite alot of bugs.

    Really? It's a LOT less buggy than the second episode.
  • edited June 2010
    Or we were all aroused. Yes, you can't deny it.

    Seriously, I found Sal to be so delightful. From screenshots and general Sal suspicions flying around the forums, I was already in a mindset of detest for him, but he suprised me wonderfully.
    SO many lines that made me laugh. It's definetly in the top Sam & Max episodes where humour is concerned.
    The noir chapter, brilliant. Just wish it went a little longer =[
  • edited June 2010
    Sammun-Mak is handsome!
    Sammun-Mak is cute!
    When we thing of Sammun-Mak, we give a big salute!
    Sammun-Mak is mighty!
    Sammun-Mak is grand!
    The greatness of Lord Sammun-Mak is more than we can stand!
  • edited June 2010
    I ran into one bug, but it was hardly a gamebreaker:
    At Straight & Narrow, I found a Credit Card Max lying right in front of the office. It wasn't walking around like Max does, just lying flat like a real credit card would (though it had Max's face). Max was not Rhinoplastied into a credit card (or anything else) at the time. Clicking on it had Sam talk to "Max", in a pretty normal (given who we're talking about) conversation.

    I only noticed it once, and again, it's not like this prevented me from finishing the game; just odd.
  • edited June 2010
    HeroicJay wrote: »
    I ran into one bug, but it was hardly a gamebreaker:
    At Straight & Narrow, I found a Credit Card Max lying right in front of the office. It wasn't walking around like Max does, just lying flat like a real credit card would (though it had Max's face). Max was not Rhinoplastied into a credit card (or anything else) at the time. Clicking on it had Sam talk to "Max", in a pretty normal (given who we're talking about) conversation.

    I only noticed it once, and again, it's not like this prevented me from finishing the game; just odd.
    Same happens with the Cloud Max, too.
  • edited June 2010
    I've been a little disappointed with all of the finales so far, finding them easy enough to figure out the solution before even getting through half of the options, but I guess playing Tales' amazing grand finale has set an extremely high bar for me. I'll just have to wait for TDP's grand finale and hope that it's as satisfying.
    Noir Sam was amazing to see in action, but I agree with the fact that he should have gotten more screen time, especially considering that most of the screenshots and trailer had footage from that one section. I was prepared for a much longer segment, and while I know that they had to keep the big twist halfway through the game on the low, I think they could have dished out some more Act Two shots.
    Still, seeing Sam beating up Skunkape like a chump was the best thing ever.

    Oh, and Sal is a total bro.
  • edited June 2010
    Pretty nice episode, took me 3.5 hours as well to finish. The only part I got reall stucked was the
    and then the
    part, but after about 20 or 30 minutes I figured out how to do it. Overall, a pretty nice episode, tho the first one was the best yet, followed by the second one. Can't wait to play the next chapter!
  • edited June 2010
    Part of me is disappointed, part of me loved this episode.

    The disappointed part really wished that the dark, noir atmosphere of the first half had stuck around for the rest of the game. I mean, here I am, in this huge museum, my first thought when I arrive there is "Man, this place is huge! I can't wait to start solving puzzles here!" And then what? I solve two measly puzzles and it's gone. The whole thing, including the awesome interrogation puzzle, just seemed like a tease for something bigger. As soon as I got to love the atmosphere, I was transported to something completely different. It almost felt like these were planned to be two separate episodes, and were merged into one at the last minute.

    The other part of me thinks that the plot twist was excellent. I sorta expected Sammun-Mak to turn on Sam, but I never thought it'd lead the the creation of another reality. And I really liked the interaction between Skun-ka'pe and Papierwaite. The two characters really played off each other well, and the scene when you first encounter them is great. I also loved Sal. I don't know what it was about his character, but he's just so likable. I really felt sorry for sending Skun-ka'pe's goon after him.

    Overall, I think the big atmosphere change should have maybe been relegated to just the final act. Or, at the very least, there should have been another puzzle to solve in the museum.
  • edited June 2010
    Really great episode, but it felt a little short. But maybe that's because I kept accidentally solving all the dialogue puzzles before exhausting all the wrong options first. It's definitely going to be worth replaying.
  • edited June 2010
    I thought this episode was particularly amazing! I loved
    the Day of the Tentacle reference in the museum.

    There were a couple other good moments that made me chuckle, but I can't seem to remember them. Guess I'll have to play through again!
  • edited June 2010
    You know, I started replaying now and even the very first segment of the game actually took me so long. There are actually SO MANY dialouges and voice acting and everything. No wonder why they wanted to keep it that short, and make it available only for mole people and three more characters.
  • edited June 2010
    It was cool to see
    again, and who knew
    was such a
    great martial artist?
  • edited June 2010
    I laughed when Skunkape mentioned that his scans indicated Max doesn't like girls (in conversation at the planetarium). Sam's caused a paradox so huge from his time-travelling shenanigans in Season 2 that even machines refuse to believe he changed.

    Also, really loved Sal.
  • edited June 2010
    Sal is terrible in that, on the one hand, his voice is ... wonderful ... but on the other hand he is a Giant. Cockroach. It's like, look up cognitive dissonance on the internet, and you'll get a video of Sal.
  • edited June 2010
    HeroicJay wrote: »
    I ran into one bug, but it was hardly a gamebreaker:
    At Straight & Narrow, I found a Credit Card Max lying right in front of the office. It wasn't walking around like Max does, just lying flat like a real credit card would (though it had Max's face). Max was not Rhinoplastied into a credit card (or anything else) at the time. Clicking on it had Sam talk to "Max", in a pretty normal (given who we're talking about) conversation.

    I only noticed it once, and again, it's not like this prevented me from finishing the game; just odd.

    same with me
  • edited June 2010
    I think my favorite line in the game was during the
    credit card
    puzzle. Paraphrased, it was something like:
    Max: Wait a minute! You have money? Where do you even keep it?
    Sam: A, we've saved a bundle ever since we were kicked out of the office and had to start living in the DeSoto, and B, none of your damn business.
    Max: Touche.
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