Sam and Max DPG E-3 correct gameplay breaking bug

edited June 2010 in Game Support
Hey Telltale guys and girls,

I found a correct gameplay breaking bug that lets you skip over
getting 3 badges to go see Sammun-Mak.

Events I had done before the bug happened were that I got this bug to occur were.
Corndog camera event happens.
Tried to walk into see Sammun-Mak.
Pressed the buttons in the following order, Fan, Baby Buggy. Button control was left on Baby Buggy.
All correctly bet the rats for cash 3 times, once with credit card Max out.
Talked to all characters until all options had been said and all secondary speech had been used.
Talked to max.
Tried to give all items including creditcard Max to ape.
Got Rain cloud Max.
Had Stinky Kneel.
Stinky gets taken away and Medal is recieved.
Cloud and other dialog finishes.
As soon as I can I turned Max back into himself.
Then Stinky reapeared standing next to his daughter holding a box standing still with the box in himself.
Talking to Stinky again with Rain Max and having him kneeel triggers Medal event again and gives 2 medals all though only one in inventroy.
I went and did credit card rat and it after recieving that medal it said I had three medals so I did not and could not do the gift medal.
The graphic of Sam up until the end with his battle with Skunkape he did not have the medal on his hat.

I loved the game and went back and replayed the missed part and it was worth it. Thanks for making a great game.


  • edited June 2010
    Yup, same here.
    Except for turning Max into himself I just looked inside Stinky's.
    As far as I can tell, you can only do it till you talk to girl Stinky, then he will not show up stuck in his box.

    Kind of sucked I couldn't finish all puzzles due to this :(.
  • edited June 2010
    Was there any problems with the final battle after that or were you able to finish the episode even with only 2 badges (if you could then it's not game-breaking)
  • edited June 2010
    You can complete the game just fine (although it's a little weird when suddenly during one animation you have all 3, while all the other time it's 2/1).

    I think a more correct term is "Exploit".
  • edited June 2010
    der_ketzer wrote: »
    Was there any problems with the final battle after that or were you able to finish the episode even with only 2 badges (if you could then it's not game-breaking)

    I never said game breaking I said Correct Gameplay Breaking.
    In other words how the game is ment to be played. So exploit works but a exploit is to your advantage but in this case you miss a chunk of the game.
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