Sammun-Mak appreciation thread

edited June 2010 in Sam & Max
Sammun-Mak is mighty!
Sammun-Mak is grand!

I found the hail Sammun-Mak stuff way funnier than I should have.


  • edited June 2010
    I loved the way Sam would smile after doing the salute.

    Also, was Sammun-Mak voiced by Nikki Rapp? It sounded like her, but I wasn't sure.
  • edited June 2010
    The greatness of Lord Sammun-Mak is more than we can stand!

    I loved Sam's smiles after the salute too. And how he somehow gets deaf whenever he's kneeling.
    @thesporksman: Yes, it was Nicki Rapp.
  • edited June 2010
    I also loved when he smiled after the salute. For some reason, the lighter and softer desert part was a welcome thing, because I was feeling this season will be too epic for its own sake.

    And Sammun Mak as an ally was awesome too.
  • edited June 2010
    Sammun-Mak is handsome!
    Sammun-Mak is cute!

    :D lol
  • edited June 2010
    He he yeah he was a pretty cool villian, though at start i did not think he'd be the main villian!

    All hail Sammun-Mak!
  • edited June 2010
    bleh, bleh, bleh Sammun-Mak we give a big salute.


    WAIT! I mean- um... NO! I LOVE SAMMUN-MAK! Don't take me away! AHHHHHHHHHHH!
  • edited June 2010
    sammun-mak is an
    spoilt kid who no-one should care about.
    I thought appreciation threads where over now anyway!
  • edited June 2010
    Heretic! :mad:

    ...Lord Sammun-Mak just now declared emoticons to be greatest thing ever. But he hates saying "a" instead of "an" before a consonant, so I'm sure he'll overlook your flaws.
    bleh, bleh, bleh Sammun-Mak we give a big salute.
    "When we think of Sammun-Mak, we give a great salute!"

    I think?
  • edited June 2010
    I enjoyed the character, but I loved the way he looked. I think they really nailed the design -- Max in pharaonic headgear and the false beard. Totally tops the sock crown and I loved that, too.

    I hope there's a wallpaper of Sammun-Mak on his throne.
  • edited June 2010
    I'm a little confused. Sammun-Mak didn't look very young in those pictures depicting his rise to power in his tomb back in Episode 2.
  • edited June 2010
    Have I mentioned that Ms. Rapp gave Sammun-Mak the cutest, little boy voice? That actually sounded like a little boy? And how he seemed a lot like Max, if Max had been worshiped as a god from a young age? Morgan was fine as a character, and Nikki gave a great performance, but she did a superlative job as Sammun-Mak! And the chore people did a great job making it really feel like this is a similar yet different personality in Max's body. Just a wonderful performance all the way around :D
  • edited June 2010
    SwordKing wrote: »
    I'm a little confused. Sammun-Mak didn't look very young in those pictures depicting his rise to power in his tomb back in Episode 2.

    It was just the eyeliner.
  • edited June 2010
    thatdude98 wrote: »
    bleh, bleh, bleh Sammun-Mak we give a big salute.


    WAIT! I mean- um... NO! I LOVE SAMMUN-MAK! Don't take me away! AHHHHHHHHHHH!

    Wait, does Sammun-Mak have Candle Jack in his employ? That makes heresy even mo
  • edited June 2010
    Sammun-Mak has no need of your paltry memes, only corndogs! Now get thee to hot dog on a stick or I shall throw you to the Smelly One!
  • edited June 2010
  • edited June 2010
    All his corndogs were belong to Cats back in 2001, and he never quite got over it.
    Have I mentioned that Ms. Rapp gave Sammun-Mak the cutest, little boy voice? That actually sounded like a little boy?
    I still think he sounded a bit feminine.
  • edited June 2010
    He sounded too feminine. In museum I thought it was a girl, giving girly sitting poses and all that (now I know that those are NOT actually 'girly sitting poses'). Also I thought the one who Sam addresses as 'Lady Godiva' in the future vision was Sammun-Mak, again.

    Well, he sounded cute either way.
  • edited June 2010
    I love his voice: dignified, haughty and childlike at the same time.
  • edited June 2010
    jaden551 wrote: »
    sammun-mak is an
    spoilt kid who no-one should care about.
    I thought appreciation threads where over now anyway!

    Trust me, if Sammun-Mak were a real kid, I'd spank him raw and take away all his toys. No kid should be power mad at 10!

    As a character, he's amazing. He's snarky yet cute, and incredibly childlike. It's enough to make me wonder if Sammun-Mak wasn't actually a rabbity thing, and Maximus and Max are his descendants. And Sameth and Sam are actually reincarnations of Anubis, sworn to protect the pharaoh and keep him from doing something else stupid. Granted, he acts and tad feminine, but 1) Hapshetsut ruled as a female pharaoh who dressed as a male with her beard. Sammun-Mak had a beard on too, so we can't rule out the possibility that he is actually a she. And 2) He's young prince who quickly became adjusted to a life of luxury! Do you expect him to be manly?

    I just wish Sammun-Mak wore eyeliner. That'd be hysterical!
  • edited June 2010
    I loved Sammun-Mak.
    He shows us how Max would be if he hasn't his friend Sam as a antipol.
    And i think Max's body with the egyptian attachements is really sexy. :D
    I immediately want a poster of him.
  • edited June 2010
    I have to agree with everyone who said Sammun-Mak sounded like a girl. He kept making me think of what a young, female aristocratic Max would sound like. The voice actually fit the body just too well. The fact that he made people salute his cuteness kinda suggests to me that he is indeed a she. (yes, I know Max is cute anyway, but work with me here)

    As for
    being evil, I'm actually willing to blame the Devil's Toybox itself for corrupting him to a large degree. Up until discovering it for the second time, our favorite little Pharaoh was actually quite likable and surprisingly cooperative with Sam. He was no more meanspirited than Max himself normally is.
  • edited June 2010
    Randulf wrote: »
    I love his voice: dignified, haughty and childlike at the same time.

    Agreed. Excellent performance by Nicki!
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