Loved or hated 303?

edited August 2010 in Sam & Max
Did you like 303 or hate it?


  • edited June 2010
    I loved it, it's the best episode so far.
  • edited June 2010
    I love it more than baseball caps.
  • edited June 2010
    I thought it was okay. Rather than type out my reasons again, I'll just direct you to this:
  • edited June 2010
    I thought it was pretty good, some great writting. I guess I just hyped my self up for it a little to much me thinks so I was a bit disapointed, still was good over all.
  • edited June 2010
    Gameplay wise, it was just OK, especially compared to the last 2. But this one had my favorite story of the three so far.
  • edited June 2010
    I did really like it. Intense Sam made me giddy with joy. I didn't like it as much as episode 2 however, but that's going to be tough to top for me. The reel traveling was one of the most inventive things I've seen integrated in Sam and Max, or hell, any adventure games.
  • edited June 2010
    I thought it was awesome. I can understand why people didn't like the big twist and genre swapping, but I enjoyed it because it was totally unexpected, and besides, this is Sam & Max.
  • edited June 2010
    I love Max's dialogs. For some reason they're funnier with him having
    no face
  • edited June 2010
    I prefer 302 overall, but 303 sure is fun and I rate it above 301.
  • edited June 2010
    I rated "loved it" for the Noir and Musuem parts. The Egypt part was not favourable.
  • edited June 2010
    I loved a lot of things about 303 but I thought it was way too short and disgustingly easy. I mean, seriously too easy. I know I complain about TT games being too easy lately but this one was just ridiculous.

    Only 4 usable inventory items in the whole game, and one you're told exactly what to do with from the very beginning, and you do exactly that.

    And the thing that gets me is that, the ONE puzzle that might have actually been somewhat challenging in my opinion, they give away in a teaser trailer.

    So, I didn't vote...
  • edited June 2010
    I rated "loved it" for the Noir and Musuem parts. The Egypt part was not favourable.

    Exactly, the episode was on its way to becoming my favourite one... and then the Egypt part just had to ruin it :-(
    Still a good episode though.
  • edited June 2010
    DarthBo wrote: »
    Exactly, the episode was on its way to becoming my favourite one... and then the Egypt part just had to ruin it :-(
    Still a good episode though.

    Pretty much what happened to me as well.
  • edited June 2010
    I loved the Egypt part! It was a very interesting twist, and Max saving the world instead of Sam was a nice change.
  • edited June 2010
    It's not that I didn't like the Egypt part it's just that's where I realized the game was getting too easy, in my opinion.
  • edited June 2010
    My only problem with the puzzles on the Egypt part is the credit card and toaster puzzles have the same solution. I kept thinking of different ways to solve the credit card puzzle and it turns out it was the same solution.
  • edited June 2010
    Personally I loved both halves. And I didn't mind of that sudden switch to egyptiany, all that darkness was kind of getting to me.

    As much as I loved noir-ness and all that, having a WHOLE episode of it would have been too much. The egyptian-part gave back that sort of positiviness/wackyness that I've always felt with S&M games. (+ it was totally unexpected, which is sort of positive too) I was happy that Max got a lot more purpose on this part - I was really starting to miss him and his conversations/sarcastic comments/whatever with Sam. Even if he was just a brain in the jar this time around :D

    Didn't mind the puzzles either, honestly. They were good, and I've always loved using Rhinoplasty, so the over-use of it didn't bother me one bit.
    (And honestly. Toaster-Max attacking a pyramid of corn dogs, who COULDN'T love that? )

    But again, people like different things. I sill wouldn't say this was my favourite - not because it wasn't as good or anything, but I pretty much love all the episodes of Season 3 at the moment. Its so hard to choose :)
  • edited June 2010
    This episode was good, idk if it was me or something else but i didnt find it very exciting as others . The start was pretty good, Sam getting angry and beating everyone till he finds his friends brain. Jokes were great and funny but the episode was lacking something and seemed like it finished very fast. Maybe they could add some minigame or something like that in the future games. And did anyone noticed that the boss fight was more like insult swordfight in Monkey Island?? I wish i could see some kind of kung fu showdow at the end like Max or Sam flying and showing kung fu moves . :D
  • edited June 2010
    I didn't like how they handled the gameplay in the first section of the game. Nice idea, but I didn't like the execution.

    But the rest of the game was good. The first episode is still my favourite one.
  • edited June 2010
    I loved, loved, loved it.
    The beginning with its noir part showed a new facet of Sam's character- wonderfull!
    The egyptian part beats it with the (i hope not) one and only opportunity to "play" as Max.
    And the pharao in Max-disguise: what a wonderfull idea!
    The twist in the story: magnificent!
    I love it. Just love it.
  • edited July 2010
    Museum parts were the best.

    I had mixed opinions over the noir and Egypt moments

    and although it's the worst of the season for me, I still loved it immensely. :)
  • edited July 2010
    The Noir and the Museum section were brilliant, with music to boot, didn't like the Egypt part that much though, nice tie in with 302, but I thought the little homage in the museum was better with it playing the music from 302 as the show piece for that area. I'm sure it was mentioned before but it does feel like two short episodes stuck together, which is a shame, I wanted more Noir, kinda miffed that Sam didn't return in his Noir clothes either, everyone else in the museum went back to how they were before Sammun-Mak altered reality, but for some reason, Sam didn't change back into his Noir style. Would of made the next episodes feel tighter if Season 3 takes place in one day, for Sam to still be wearing the awesome Noir clothes from Episode 3 in at least the first part of Episode 4.
  • edited July 2010
    I thought that completely unexpected moment when you first enter the planetarium was just so excited for me.
  • edited July 2010
    i really liked it and i got all the trophies on PS3 and im more excited on episode 304 more then 303
  • edited July 2010
    I feel after 202 there was no way to up it but it was a great episode. I liked it alot but it felt a little.... off. Act 1 felt nothing like act 2 which was nothing like act 3 and while I liked each of these acts on there own it kinda ruined the genre bending that this season is doing.
  • edited July 2010
    I liked it, but I thought Sammun-Mak was an annoying character.
  • edited July 2010
    Never played an episode I hated. Sammun-Mak's voice was ill-fitting though.
  • edited July 2010
    I have just completed this episode and can safely say it has entered my 'favourites' list. Looking forward to 304 which I shall download tomorrow. I've almost caught up with the rest of you! Yay!
  • edited July 2010
    I liked it. A lot more than 302 anyway.

    The Noir part took itself too seriously. Sam only broke character to make a funny like 3 times. I kinda got the feeling we were really supposed to be intimidated by Sam, which is utterly impossible, which left me feeling confused.

    Still, very good episode.
  • edited July 2010
    The first time I just saw a video walkthrough of the game, & the walkthrough guys only stick with the main stuff & don't do any unnessisary interactions or dialogue choices, which is half the game right there.

    So yeah, I got to play it for myself in all it's glory & my opinion of it is much higher than it was after just watching the walkthrough. I've also gotten used to Sammun-Mak's voice.
  • edited August 2010
    I like it. The noir atmosphere at the beginning of the game, and then the egyptian section with Sammuk mak. The museum felt a bit empty, though.
  • edited August 2010
    Good episode. Not the best but most deff a great load o fun. 304 and 301 were better imo.
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