has everyone gotten Ep 2 working yet?!?!

edited January 2007 in Sam & Max
so my shit don't work.

anyone else's not working?
someone give me a demo link to unlock the game stat.. must play must play.


  • edited January 2007
    Try following these instructions:


    If go to find my orders and put in your order number a working download link should be provided
  • edited January 2007
    nah i keep getting ARM1055,403
    after i click download on the downloader....

    i also bought the whole season,

    maybe i should just wait till saturday.....
  • edited January 2007
    It worked right away after installing it for me. I had no problems and the launcher went through the activation automatically after it was installed. Very smooth. Might I add that I already bought the season.
  • edited January 2007
    Purchased the whole Season 1, too, and Epsiode 2 installed and runs flawlessly!
  • edited January 2007
    As for myself, I can't see any download link for episode 2 in the findmyorder page, while I obviously bought the whole season 1. I also didn't get any email from telltale today (spam folders checked)...

    It seems that they're still in the process of sending out download links.

    I miss fuzzy Max...
  • edited January 2007
    Sam N Max is like crack... .. even the cartoon is addictive.
  • edited January 2007
    I was having the same problem (had purchased the Season One package a couple weeks ago) but managed to figure it out...

    Create a user account using the e-mail address you used when you made your purchase. After setting up your account, go to your user options, then click on "past purchases" and then click on "re-download."

    The "re-download" link will take you to a page where you need to enter your Order Number (run a search in your e-mail inbox for "Telltale Games" if you can't remember what it was) and password for the user account you just setup.

    You should find a link there to download Episode 1 and Episode 2. :)

    Good luck!
  • edited January 2007
    I have it after receiving the e-Mail. No problem downloading but after the titles the game crashes. I have already posted in the support forum but they couldn't help me yet. Any idea from you folks?
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2007
    ShiratoriNinjaBrat, are you still having trouble? Let me know.

    psypod, could you send me a PM with your order number, please?

    (And just for everyone's reference - if you post about tech or activation problems here instead of in the support forums, there's a pretty good chance those of us providing support won't see them. ;))
  • edited January 2007
    yes i'm still having trouble :-(

    baby needs a cracker...

    and the earth needs world peace....

    me however I need to activate the game now :-\

    4DB7-ABE8 is my hardware fingerprint
    and the order number doesn't work like the first game :-(
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2007
    Yup, as described here, activating with the order number and password is not an option anymore in most cases. Glad you were able to download though.

    I'll send you an activation key in a PM.
  • edited January 2007
    nah i keep getting ARM1055,403
    after i click download on the downloader....
    I was having the same problem, until I realized that the downloader depends on a working Internet Explorer browser. As I've been playing with the proxy settings lately with that browser, I didn't have a decent internet connection with it. So I changed to the "normal" proxy settings in my IE7 browser, tried using the downloader again ... and then it worked!
  • edited January 2007
    Emily: I have sent you a PM with my order number. Please check it and save my day :(
  • edited January 2007
    I dunno if this is the problem described earlier...
    But I can download the game and install it, problem is that when I try to run the game I get an errormessage saying that my payment isn´t complete. And I have checked my bankaccount and the money have been withdrawn.
    Could really use some help here
  • edited January 2007
    Lallen use the activation support! It will say what to do, you have to email your hardware fingerprints to Telltale.. check!
  • edited January 2007
    Thanks JK1985. Lallen I am facing your same problem. Just to make sure, I sent them my hardware fingerprint as well. I could cry right now I want to play it :(
  • edited January 2007
    We aren't going to wait until Monday are we? Seems only me and Lallen still don't have the game running. I hope I am not the only!
  • edited January 2007
    You´re not the only one... I still get the same message :(
    And I´ve done everything you´re supposed to do to get it running...
  • edited January 2007
    After the hell of Ep1, I really appriciated the auto-activation on 2
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