(SPOILERS) The Big Sam and Max Favourite Character Poll Round 4

edited July 2010 in Sam & Max
Results of first round:
1st place: Bosco - 31
2nd place: COPS - 23
3rd place: Flint Paper - 19
Mention: Superball - 18

Results of second round:
1st place: T.H.E.M - 25
2nd place: Grandpa Stinky - 18
3rd place: Timmy Two-Teeth - 17
Mention: Mama Bosco - 15
Mention: Mr. Featherly - 13

Results of previous round:
1st place: Jurgen - 32
2nd place: Skunkape - 21
3rd place: Mr Spatula - 16
Mention: The Internet - 15

This is the final round before all of the most popular characters are placed in the same poll together. This round deals with new characters from 'They Stole Max's Brain' as well as many MAJOR SPOILER villains.


  • edited June 2010
    Sal, most certainly!
  • UrdUrd
    edited June 2010
    Sal, for absolutely sure.
  • edited June 2010
    I said Papierwaite. Wasn't easy though.

    Apart from having a great voice actor, Papierwaite also has the looks. Sorry Sal!
  • edited June 2010
    Tough one, but I'm gonna go with Papierwaite. Great villain who's genuinely competent without being too perfect or relying on vast resources. But Sal comes close. Despite being a man-sized cockroach he's an instantly lovable guy, a triumph of voice acting and design.
  • edited June 2010
    sal because the more votes he gets the less chance the #### poppers will get to the final round.
  • edited June 2010
    I was torn between Papierwaite and Sal but in the end, I went for Sal - I just felt so sorry for him when he was being beaten up by that ape
  • edited June 2010
    Sal def, though Papierwaite was far better this episode as he was expanded on.

    Shout-out for least favourite was that rat who near sounded identical to one of the Soda Poppers. Skin crawled
  • edited June 2010
    I chose Sal, but if he wasn't on that list, I would have chosen Papierwaite.
  • edited June 2010
    My vote goes to Papierwaite, though Sal was a close second. I'm also glad to see the **** Poppers have no votes; I hope it stays that way.
  • edited June 2010
    Pretty hard choice... Had to choose Between Papierwaite and Hugh Bliss (2 of my favorite villians in the series)... I chose Hugh since he is the original Season 1 villian and you never saw it coming until ep. 106 since he has been acting innocent since ep. 102. You never expected him to be horribly evil. :D
  • edited June 2010
    sammunmak for sure. I know he is probably dead by now but i still liked him.
  • edited June 2010
    I don't know, I think a slacking gelatinous eye-monster is really cute.
  • edited June 2010
    Papierwaite, then Sal, then Hugh Bliss
    edited June 2010
    Sal, closely followed by Papierwaite, and SCP.
  • edited June 2010
    This is ridiculously tough for me. It's between Hugh Bliss, Sal, Hubert, and Papierwaite. I'm leaning toward Hugh Bliss, though.
  • edited June 2010
    I wouldn't call SCP a spoiler villain tell the truth, I voted Sal for awesome
  • edited June 2010
    I chose Papierwaite, his face when you
    beat Skun-ka'pe in 303 and Sammun-Mak is talking before jumping down to fight Sam
    plus his puzzle boss (I've changed the name again), was better than Skun-ka'pe's in episode 1.
    Although, Hugh Bliss was awesome, particularly in What's New Beezlebub when you are talking to him and Sam and Max are just mocking him, while Hugh Bliss just stares. Also, this quote:

    Sam: What about the time Jimmy Hoffa said: Ride the buckin' surfboard!
    Max: Oh yeah, you should have censored the (Bleep) out of that!
    Hugh Bliss: "Buckin'" isn't on the list.

    Actually, I should have voted for Hugh Bliss. Oh well, I'm enjoying this season a lot, so I picked him,. Plus I like them both a lot, just prefer Papierwaite, he has a less annoying voice.
  • edited June 2010
    Why no Sameth and Maximus?
  • edited June 2010
    Why no Sameth and Maximus?

    As much as I love those two - they are pretty much the same as Sam and Max who already have automatic places in the next rounds.

    Clearly a lot of Sal love.
  • edited June 2010
    Gotta be Papierwaite for me. The way that at first, he seems like a friendly, trustworthy guy, but turns out to be bent on releasing some kind of Demon thing.
  • edited July 2010
    Not much longer to vote on this...
  • edited July 2010
  • edited July 2010
    I love how the **** Poppers have 0 votes. I am not surprised.
  • edited July 2010
    well, here's the first vote on the soda poppers. there's no turning back now, I'm out of the closet- I like the soda poppers.
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