Sam & Max Episode 2: Invalid Password (ARM 1016)

I downloaded the demo and clicked "I already purchased this". I enter the Order Number and my password which I also changed because I have gotten this error before. But I always get this error: "Invalid Password (ARM 1016)"

I purchased the whole season and would really like to play the game. :confused:


  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2007
    Hey there,

    Did you see the text under the order number and password fields that said that method of activation won't work for Season 1 customers? :p

    Look here for info about how to get your game.
  • edited January 2007
    Emily wrote: »
    Hey there,

    Did you see the text under the order number and password fields that said that method of activation won't work for Season 1 customers? :p

    Look here for info about how to get your game.

    I admit I didn't read it. But that might be because I DID NOT RECIEVE AN E-MAIL WITH A DOWNLOAD LINK. AND YES I CHECKED MY JUNK FOLDER.

    Add I clicked your clever "here" link about 4 hours ago the first time. Didn't work then, doesn't work now. Do you get the pattern???? Probably not!!!

    FFS, I AM GETTING ANGRY NOW. EVERY OTHER COMPANY CAN GET THIS STUFF STRIGHT. I WAS KIND UNTIL NOW. BUT TELLING ME I SHOULD CHECK THIS AND THAT (WHICH I DIDN'T GET, SO THAT "I C A N N O T C H E C K I T" ,I repeat, just for you: "I cannot check this mail: because I did not get it, not even in my junk folder. I put it simple now: NO MAIL FOR ME WITH DOWNLOAD LINK") IS GETTING ANNOYING.

    Jesus Chirst, you are toalking to a programmer, who earns his money with coding games. And I even coded a whole adventure game for kids, point and click, just like Sam and Max... don't tell me I am stupid. I know my stuff.... seem to NOT know your stuff.

    I checked EVERY mail I got, EVERY MAIL.

    I was kind and had patience until now....

    ...if you solved this issue instead of giving me smileys with a tounge, I wouldn't have changed my tone, too late now.

    Keep my money but don't bother me with your shit again, it is a waste of time.

    S&M = uninstalled.

    Second Episode = second time a lot of trouble. If it was the first time, OK, but it is getting too much.
  • edited January 2007
    fuegerstef wrote: »
    I admit I didn't read it. But that might be because I DID NOT RECIEVE AN E-MAIL WITH A DOWNLOAD LINK. AND YES I CHECKED MY JUNK FOLDER.

    FFS, I AM GETTING ANGRY NOW. EVERY OTHER COMPANY CAN GET THIS STUFF STRIGHT. I WAS KIND UNTIL NOW. BUT TELLING ME I SHOULD CHECK THIS AND THAT (WHICH I DIDN'T GET, SO THAT "I C A N N O T C H E C K I T" I repeat, just for you: "I cannot check this mail: becaus I did not get it, not even in my junk folder. I put it simple now: NO MAIL FOR ME WITH DOWNLOAD LINK") IS GETTING ANNOYING.

    Jesus Chirst, you are toalking to a programmer, who earns his money with coding games. And I even coded a whole adventure game for kids, point and click, just like Sam and Max... don't tell me I am stupid. I know my stuff.... seem NOT to.

    I was kind and had patience until now....

    I'm having the same problem. I'd really appreciate it if this would be cleared up.
  • edited January 2007
    Narwaffle wrote: »
    I'm having the same problem. I'd really appreciate it if this would be cleared up.

    I cannot be bothered anymore. When I sell my stuff to customers I check if it works BEFORE I get it out. AT keast the basic stuff liek purchasing. If it wouldn't run on some exotic GFX card... problem... ...but basic stuff like online purchasing should work from the beginning... least it should work on episode 2: I had enough patience when EP 1 came out.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2007
    Narwaffle, click Activation Support and follow the instructions to get an activation key. We'll get it taken care of right away.

    fuegerstef, if you want a refund, that's no problem. Just send me a PM with your order number and I'll take care of it right away.

    Believe it or not, we've had a pretty long day over here. I'm sorry you had a frustrating experience, but we are working really hard to provide the best customer service we can.
  • edited January 2007
    fuegerstef wrote: »
    I admit I didn't read it. But that might be because I DID NOT RECIEVE AN E-MAIL WITH A DOWNLOAD LINK. AND YES I CHECKED MY JUNK FOLDER.

    Add I clicked your clever "here" link about 4 hours ago the first time. Didn't work then, doesn't work now. Do you get the pattern???? Probably not!!!

    FFS, I AM GETTING ANGRY NOW. EVERY OTHER COMPANY CAN GET THIS STUFF STRIGHT. I WAS KIND UNTIL NOW. BUT TELLING ME I SHOULD CHECK THIS AND THAT (WHICH I DIDN'T GET, SO THAT "I C A N N O T C H E C K I T" ,I repeat, just for you: "I cannot check this mail: because I did not get it, not even in my junk folder. I put it simple now: NO MAIL FOR ME WITH DOWNLOAD LINK") IS GETTING ANNOYING.

    Jesus Chirst, you are toalking to a programmer, who earns his money with coding games. And I even coded a whole adventure game for kids, point and click, just like Sam and Max... don't tell me I am stupid. I know my stuff.... seem to NOT know your stuff.

    I checked EVERY mail I got, EVERY MAIL.

    I was kind and had patience until now....

    ...if you solved this issue instead of giving me smileys with a tounge, I wouldn't have changed my tone, too late now.

    Keep my money but don't bother me with your shit again, it is a waste of time.

    S&M = uninstalled.

    Second Episode = second time a lot of trouble. If it was the first time, OK, but it is getting too much.

    Although I understand that you're frustrated, I'll ask you to please watch your language on our forums. Emily's only trying to help, and if you had tried the link she gave you, you would see that there were two other options to get your game besides the email.
  • edited January 2007
    Emily wrote: »
    Narwaffle, click Activation Support and follow the instructions to get an activation key. We'll get it taken care of right away.

    fuegerstef, if you want a refund, that's no problem. Just send me a PM with your order number and I'll take care of it right away.

    Believe it or not, we've had a pretty long day over here. I'm sorry you had a frustrating experience, but we are working really hard to provide the best customer service we can.

    Keep the money. Not interested anymore.
    And tabacco, I think it is one of my last visits here at all. I only wanted to see the reaction. No problems if the account is deleted.
  • KevinKevin Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2007
    Works for us.
  • edited January 2007
    Kevin wrote: »
    Works for us.

    I know. I am having this website designer at our little company... ..another mate said about him: "He never delivered something that worked from the beginning". It worked for him though.
  • edited January 2007
    Emily wrote: »
    Narwaffle, click Activation Support and follow the instructions to get an activation key. We'll get it taken care of right away.

    Sorry to pester you further, but where can I find Activation Support? Again, sorry. Don't worry, figured it out.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2007
    Hey Narwaffle,

    Since we're already chatting in PMs about the problem you're having, I'll follow up with you there.
  • edited January 2007
    If "" would work I could say: "Hey, some error in the telltale-backend, no problem". But sending me my Order Number several times and then telling me "Order not found"... This is awesome. :)

    I just checked. 10 out of 11 games I have installed (Sam and Max NOT included) were bought online. Either through Steam, other online applications or directly from the web... ...some even streamed, so that I could play before the massive amount of data was downloaded... ...there were only two games that didn't work, and they both contained a dog and a rabbit. You really should send that mad rabbit over to your online purchase processing company. ;)
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2007
    Our games and activation system seem to be working fine for thousands of other people. Something is obviously not going right for you, and Telltale has people available to help fix it. If you give me your order number, I'll be happy to help figure out what the problem is. But coming back here to complain about how it isn't working without giving us the information that will help us fix it isn't going to resolve anything.

    Just send me your order number, I'll look it up, we'll figure this out. It doesn't have to turn into a fight.
  • edited January 2007

    Don't know if anyone is there on a Saturday, but I'm a UK customer, so I've been trying to get my EP2 to activate since early this morning for me.

    It kept telling me that my key wasn't valid, so I sent a mail a few hours ago to get a manual activation key, but have had no response.

    Dying to play the new game. Anyone there who could help ?

    Many thanks in advance.
    Dayle (Jess) James.
  • edited January 2007
    I'm always amazed that everyone who has a problem is always a coder himself and could do a much better job at it, in which case i suggest trying to get a job at telltale and show 'em how it's done and not being an unpleasant person in the forums. As for "every other company can get it's stuff working" i wonder why every publisher website has a support forum, which believe it or not is usually NOT empty....imagine my surprise at this fact but there you have it.

    BTW i am in fact having the same problem but i also have patience, it will be resolved soon enough i bet, and may i just say how sad i am for you that you make money coding but probably not a lot, seeing as how you have no other game to play while this problem is solved i just guess it is because you can't afford one.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2007
    Hi guys - we are working on Saturday. :) (Well, :) for you, :( for me!) If you emailed support about the password problem, you should get a response fairly soon.
  • edited January 2007
    Novastorm wrote: »
    BTW i am in fact having the same problem but i also have patience, it will be resolved soon enough i bet, and may i just say how sad i am for you that you make money coding but probably not a lot, seeing as how you have no other game to play while this problem is solved i just guess it is because you can't afford one.

    $400 Euros and hour (brutto though) is enough for me. I usually also work for clients (Milka, TK, Comaq/HP, SAP, Lucky Strike, etc...), you get used to delivering stuff that works 100%, if such big companies watch your products. THe problem is that I wanted 2 or 3 hours of fun that day as I have a lot of other stuff to do... I am not interested anymore. And if you had read my above posts, which you probably did not, you would have seen that I purchased a lot of other games. With no problems at all. Even when Triton went bankrupt I got a boxed copy without even having to write one single line.

    And I recently checked our site where tenthousands of users had registered their cows in a Cow Race game..., the only problems were BEFORE the release to the public when we tested the stuff... :)
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