Can't upgrade my Sam and Max

Telltale, I've found the upgrade page on the website, yet it tells me that my order number is invalid. I entered and won a free copy of the game during the Halloween contest, which may have something to do about it, but does that mean that I cannot "upgrade" my game? Am I just doing something wrong? Please respond ASAP, because I am very excited to get playing Sam and Max.


  • edited January 2007
    Yeah, freebies aren't eligible for the upgrade. Sorry :(
  • edited January 2007
    From Walmart, this I would expect. From Lucasarts, this I might expect. But from the people brilliant enough to bring our beloved dog and rabbity-thing into three-dimensions in all its glory, never in a million years. I know that everyone at Telltale slaves away to bring me laughs, don't you see that I did the same for you? Honestly, aren't we even on the first one? Help us get past this so that everyone whose appretiation of Sam and Max runs as deep as your own can mangle unsuspecting perpetrators with swift and sticky appendages of justice (or at the very least, oversized rabbity incisors). Thanks!

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