Puzzle Agent: Missing GUI widgets in main menu

edited September 2010 in Game Support
Have any of you fine gentlemen seen this issue before?

On my laptop computer, several GUI elements in the Puzzle Agent main menu are invisible. The buttons and controls still work, I just can't see them. I haven't yet started playing the game, just in case parts of the ingame graphics are missing as well.

The laptop uses an Intel 4 series GPU. Everything works correctly on my desktop (ATI GPU), but I'd like to play this game on the laptop because it has tablet functionality (I'd like to use stylus input).

The laptop has Windows XP and Windows 7 installed, I get the same issue in both operating systems. I tried upgrading the graphics driver (from to but this doesn't change anything. Windows Update is enabled and I have all the latest OS updates.



  • edited July 2010
    I am having this same exact problem. I'm using a Dell laptop with Windows Vista. I updated the graphics driver when Tales of Monkey Island came out, which fixed all graphics problems that I first experienced with that game. There isn't a newer graphics driver update. I was also worried about in-game issues, but after playing a few puzzles in, it does look like the game is functioning ok...not sure though. Also, previous games had a graphics quality option. I had to turn it way down to make the mouse usable. I took Puzzle Agent out of fullscreen and lowered the resolution, which improved its response to the mouse, but it's still a little sluggish. Considering this game doesn't even use 3D graphics, I was surprised by all this.
  • I have the same problem. The sound sliders are all invisible, as are the (presumably) yes and no buttons when you're asked if you want to quit. I'm also using a laptop with Windows 7 Home Premium 64 and Intel graphics. All Telltale games up to and including The Devil's Playhouse have worked without issue so I don't think this is simply graphics card inadequacy.

    @Cerebus1: The game does use 3D graphics though. As far as I can tell all of the backgrounds are 3D.
  • edited July 2010
    @Cerebus1: The game does use 3D graphics though. As far as I can tell all of the backgrounds are 3D.
    Actually, everything is 3D, even if it's just a 2D texture with an alpha channel slapped on two triangles that make up a rectangle on the screen...

    np: Florian Meind - Blast (Format B Remix) (Trapez 100)
  • SegSeg
    edited July 2010
    Can all of you try downloading and running the DirectX Updater?

    Sadly, Microsoft doesn't include DirectX in Windows Update. It's run with the installer, but on some systems it doesn't work, epically if there isn't internet access at the time the installer is run.
  • Just tested and although the DX updater did seem to install something, there's no change in the game. The sound menu has no sliders on it and the yes and no buttons when quitting are still invisible.
  • TorTor
    edited July 2010
    Same here, no change after updating DirectX. I just completed the game today though, and I never noticed anything missing within the game itself... so it may be only the main menu that's problematic.
  • edited July 2010
    I've got the same issue... and more. The buttons are there but there is no font. And no character voice. I can hear the music and the sound effects, but no voices, even if I put the volume sliders to max. I can go trough the game but it is impossible to figure out what I should do.
    I've updated the directX as suggested but no changes.

    I've got a PC with Vista 64 and changed the language setting from Italian to English.
  • edited July 2010
    Hello everybody,
    I have the exact same problem on an Acer 1825PTZ (Intel 4 Series Express using driver I have to admit that I bought the game via Steam, but I guess this makes no difference. DirectX is updated, but the problem still persists.
    I guess that there is no cursor highlight for objects intentionally? (One uses the cursor anywhere else to have a radar like effect which shows interactive objects...as far as I got that.)

    Regards and great game!
  • edited July 2010
    did you guys manage to solve these problems?
  • TorTor
    edited July 2010
    I didn't solve my problem, but it turned out that it only affected the main menu, not the game itself. So I could play the whole game without it bothering me.

    Looks like your problem is something completely different, unrelated to mine.
  • My problem's the same as yours Tor but I still hope Telltale come up with some kind of fix. I like to have my games "working properly" even if this problem doesn't affect the actual game.
  • edited July 2010
    I'm assuming I'm the only one having this problem, preventing me to play the game, I'll try to open a ticket but I'm afraid there will be no solution
  • Any updates on this? All the volume sliders (amongst other things) are missing from my menu. I can't adjust any of them, not even by clicking where I *think* they probably are.
  • edited September 2010
    So there's still no fix ?
    Setting windows language to English and updating DirectX didn't solve the problem with missing text in the main menu and other buttons.
    Help !
  • edited September 2010
    No text on any part of the game here... Windows 7 64.
  • edited September 2010
    Same here
  • edited September 2010
    Same here ! :(

    Samsung R510 here, with NVidia 9200S graphic card & Windows Vista 32bits.
  • edited September 2010
    Same here. Got Puzzle Agent via the Adventure Pack today, and I can't see much of any GUI elements. Windows 7 64bit, GeForce 240, drivers are all up to date.
  • edited September 2010
    Another one with no text here.
  • edited September 2010
    Figured it out: set your system language to English (US). Worked like a charm for me.

    I guess it's the same bug as the Mac version.
  • Will test soon. I hope now the problem has been identified, Telltale will release a patch (as if they EVER do that >.>). Having to set my computer to US is going to be irritating.

    EDIT: Is that input language or what?

    SECOND EDIT: Changing input language didn't help. Did I change the wrong thing or is it just not working for me? I have a feeling this thread has been hijacked by a slightly different problem to the original one.
    I don't have all the text labels missing (although some are) but the volume sliders and things are missing for me.
  • edited September 2010
    No fonts for me either :(
    Me and my laptop are italians and I don't have other leanguages unless I download them... anyways I don't really want to change the system language everytime I want to play :\

    Hope they fix this problem soon :<
  • edited September 2010
    No Menu-Items, too.

    I also have a runtime error:
    An application has made an attempt to load the C runtime library incorrectly.
  • edited September 2010
    It's getting quite ridiculous...
    After downloading PA 5 times because of NSIS errors, the 6th attempt worked.
    But wait...still no text, menu buttons or voice.
    Please Telltale just give us a sign that you're working on this issue !
  • edited September 2010
    Quick fix for missing text in Puzzle Agent:

    Go into Windows' "System Settings" -> "Region and Language" (Icon is a globe and a clock) -> in tab "Formats" (its the first tab usually) set "Format" in Dropdown-menu from whatever you are currently using e.g. "Deutsch (Deutschland)" to "English (USA)".

    The names of actual menu items may vary between windows versions and languages, but you should be able to find it.

    This trick worked for me (using Windows 7 64bit) with the adventurebundle version of Puzzle Agent.

    However, it would be really nice if Puzzle Agent were patched such that it ignores that windows localization setting completely.

    This doesn't change your system language, only the way time, dates and currency are displayed.
  • This fixes one of the problems in this thread but not the original one. Go and read the first post again everyone!
  • edited September 2010
    That's what I see when I start the game:

    And no Text and Speech either!

    This fixed it for me! yay

    The runtime error in the beginningis is still there, but the game starts anyway.
  • This is what I'm greeted with:
  • edited September 2010
    Yeah, I have the same as the guy above me. No problems playing the game though. Updating DirectX does nothing.
  • edited September 2010
    evenprime wrote: »
    Quick fix for missing text in Puzzle Agent:

    Go into Windows' "System Settings" -> "Region and Language" (Icon is a globe and a clock) -> in tab "Formats" (its the first tab usually) set "Format" in Dropdown-menu from whatever you are currently using e.g. "Deutsch (Deutschland)" to "English (USA)".

    The names of actual menu items may vary between windows versions and languages, but you should be able to find it.

    This trick worked for me (using Windows 7 64bit) with the adventurebundle version of Puzzle Agent.

    However, it would be really nice if Puzzle Agent were patched such that it ignores that windows localization setting completely.

    This doesn't change your system language, only the way time, dates and currency are displayed.

    Thank you, evenprime!
    this worked for me, too!
    I thought I had to change the whole system language, this way is simple :cool:

    btw, I hawe Windows Vista and I found those settings in the control panel - then icon with the globe and watch as you said ;)

    I'm sure TT will find a way to fix this, but in the meanwhile it's still possible to play for us with the text problem
  • edited September 2010
    Same problem.
    Now, out of 2 games from the GAB tried so far, 2 failed to work correctly :(
  • edited September 2010
    Same Problem here. WinXP 32Bit, Radeon 5670 (Catalyst 10.8).
  • edited September 2010
    Ridiculous, actually. I do not see why I should even bother changing my locale for a faulty piece of software. Telltale, please fix! I got Puzzle Agent as part of the Adventure Bundle, and given all the trouble and technical issues I've had with it, I am close to dispute the credit card invoice since I have received a totally faulty product!

  • edited September 2010
    I'm seeing the same thing as Sir Primalform Magnifico. Running XP SP3 on a Lenovo G530 laptop.

    None of the solutions given above apply in my situation. My localization settings are, and have always been, set to English (United States). DirectX is regularly updated. So I have no idea if there's anything I can possibly do, other than just wait for a patch.

    P.S. Oh, and I also played the Puzzle Agent demo a few weeks ago. Didn't have the same problem then, so I'm guessing something got borked when the package was prepared for the adventure bundle.
  • Almost certainly not going to happen... Telltale don't seem to patch anything EVER. What graphics chipset does your laptop have KevinTMC?
  • edited September 2010
    Yikes. Good thing they usually seem to get things right the first time then.

    My Lenovo has the Mobile Intel GMA 4500M chipset. It's generally been really good for integrated laptop video--though I've also had a recurring quirk with some Steam games. A number of their indie/small-publisher titles flicker like mad when I try to run them full-screen, so I have to keep them in windowed.
  • Aha, exactly the same as mine! I suspect this has something to do with the problem. I've never had that flickering problem though...
  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator
    edited September 2010
    Almost certainly not going to happen... Telltale don't seem to patch anything EVER.

    Actually that issue is being fixed at the moment. You can follow the progress in this thread.

    There were updated versions of other games before for critical bugs, but usually they come as a new installer and sadly it wasn't advertised much in the past when new versions were available.
  • edited September 2010
    evenprime wrote: »
    Quick fix for missing text in Puzzle Agent:

    Go into Windows' "System Settings" -> "Region and Language" (Icon is a globe and a clock) -> in tab "Formats" (its the first tab usually) set "Format" in Dropdown-menu from whatever you are currently using e.g. "Deutsch (Deutschland)" to "English (USA)".

    Thanks so much for this hint!
    After all the trouble I had with installing (or at least trying to) the Adventure Pack, I'm really happy that I *finally* could play.
  • DjNDB wrote: »
    Actually that issue is being fixed at the moment. You can follow the progress in this thread.

    There were updated versions of other games before for critical bugs, but usually they come as a new installer and sadly it wasn't advertised much in the past when new versions were available.

    Hmmm, Will mentions the localisation bug but not the main bug from this thread which is demonstrated in the screenshot I posted. The localisation guys kind of took over this thread... I hope they're also fixing our bug.
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