Season 2, Wii, UK?

edited July 2010 in Sam & Max
I'm sorry, but are we ever going to get Season Two realised on Wii in the UK? It's nearing two years since the original hit the console, and I would love to get this one played so I can play Devil's Playground on my shiny new iPad. My PC doesn't run Telltale Games, and so other formats is my only other option.


  • edited July 2010
    To be honest, you're probably going to see the whole of Season 2 on Wii before the whole of Season 3 on iPad.
  • edited July 2010
    At least there's something avalible for iPad.
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2010
    Season 2 should have been released on the Wii a good 8 months ago or more. Maybe it's just not in stores near you, but it should be out. Check Amazon or other online retailers?
  • edited July 2010, one of the better UK online shops, has the release date for Season 2 on the Wii as the 24 of September 2010. If I remember my quarters correctly, I believe that's that last friday of the 3rd quarter, technically a filler date for if you don't know when a game is going to be out for certain. They do release games on that date though, but when it's put up then a couple of months in advance then it tends to be filler date.

    As an edit though, Amazon have it on sale now, but not from them, from one of their suppliers. The Game website has a preorder, but no release date. I'm slightly dubious as to the authentisity of the Amazon one now? It could be from another European country, but would it be in English?
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2010
    It's certainly possible Atari hasn't released it in the UK yet, though I can't think of why. At any rate, all of the EU versions of the game should have English on them.
  • edited July 2010
    I'm pretty sure it's not been released here. I spent a long time looking for the wii version before I started downloading from the website.
  • edited July 2010
    Zonino wrote: »
    As an edit though, Amazon have it on sale now, but not from them, from one of their suppliers. The Game website has a preorder, but no release date. I'm slightly dubious as to the authentisity of the Amazon one now? It could be from another European country, but would it be in English?

    The Amazon one seems to be for the PC version only, and in either case I also wouldn't be to hopeful of it's authenticity, though that is the first time I've seen it available on Game for preorder, so maybe there is some hope, but I'm not so sure.

    I've been swithering about whether to just download the PC version, but I don't think I'd ever get round to playing it. At the end of the day I really do enjoy being able to play these games on the Wii.
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