Does the CD still get sent to the UK?

edited January 2007 in Sam & Max
Hello! Just singed up to Telltale and will definitely download the Sam and max season as long as the UK still gets the CD sent to them, or whether or not it's just for America! Thanks a bunch for any replies!


  • NeyNey
    edited January 2007
    Pretty sure they send them worldwide, we just have to pay the postage as explained when buying all the episodes. That was how I read it at least.
  • edited January 2007
    This was in their order mail, and the way I understand it, it means they send out to wherever you want, as long as you pay shipping.
    How do I get the CD version of Season 1?
    Everyone who buys the Season 1 collection can choose to receive a CD version when the season's over. You'll have the option to sign up for this at the end of the season. You'll pay for shipping at that time.
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