The cheat code has technically never ended since it's actually undoable, so you spend 0 effort to put the cheat code in, meaning it's a job that requires no effort, so you're basically entering the code whatever you do in your life, and it'll be entered by people and the universe for the eternity WHATEVER YOU DO (even when you sleep, when you're comatosed, when you somewhat erase yourself from the timeline and afterwards); that is, of course until the damn whole thing collapses in itself and creates a new universe, in which the deed may or may not take more (or less) than 0 effort, creating a new chain of time but if you think that newly created timeline is different than our timeline, yeah, it's actually pretty neverending.
Wow good for you, and while you're at it, go scroll through the forum and look for the Never Ending Cheat Code to unlock Homestar. And Bubs, and the Cheat!!! Was creating a new thread completely necessary? There's no real zap to this thread, I doubt it'll even get on the official DVD!
then go to the Stick...
Yeah, you would love this thread idea was truly yours, now, wouldn't you?