Whats up with my PC?

edited July 2010 in General Chat
I would like some help please, my PC is having a problem and here it is. When I typed in gmail on my computer it wouldnt go to the site and it says the site is untrusted. Same goes for Deviant and youtube{Although I can go onto there but I cant log in} And I notice there is a red X on the side of my computer where the volume icon is{meaning next to it}. Anybody knows whats up with my PC? Some help would be great


  • edited July 2010
    What browser are you using? I'd recommend using the latest version of Chrome (my preference) or Firefox. Update your security: check your firewall is on, makesure you have up to date antivirus protection (Microsoft Security Essentials is a good free one).

    From here run the antivirus checks. It sounds like a virus of some sort.
  • edited July 2010
    Opera's cool too. In fact, it's as if Firefox and Chrome had a baby. And named it Jesus.
  • edited July 2010
    Your computer's clock might be wrong. Double click the time at the bottom right of the screen (or left click then 'change date and time settings...' if you're on Windows 7) and make sure both the date and time are correct.
  • edited July 2010
    Opera's cool too. In fact, it's as if Firefox and Chrome had a baby. And named it Jesus.

    Except, it's named Opera.

    But seriously, I think that it's a virus, or your web browser is just messed up. You should try running an antivirus (Malware Byte's Anti-Malware is perfect) or, try resetting your browser, or reinstalling. Clearly, those sites shouldn't be harmful.
  • edited July 2010
    It sounds like you can't visit any https pages to me. Try other examples to test the theory. Telltale lets you log in without using https.

    Could be nasty software on your computer, or something is messing up your name service to point to the wrong sites, and the https logic that blocks imposter sites is doing its job.

    Try downloading a different browser, as others have suggested, and see what that does. Firefox usually does a good job at explaining why a site is considered insecure, and gives you the option to override (which you probably shouldn't for the above sites).

    You should also probably check your "Proxy" settings in the networking section of your browser, to make sure your traffic isn't being sent somewhere strange.

    And if you're young enough, ask your parents if they installed blocking software on your PC because they don't trust you. If so, they need to update the list of sites allowed.
  • edited July 2010
    This is something I found on the internet:

    (IE stands for Internet Explorer, by the way)
    Open IE, go to Tools, Internet Options, Advanced and scroll to bottom of list. The SSL and TLS options (all versions) should be checked.

    Delete Cookies, Delete Files and Clear History in Tools, Internet Options, General tab. (Deleting Cookies may delete some stored Internet passwords.) Check the Delete all off-line content checkbox.

    Uncheck the box for Enable Third Party Browser Extensions in the Advanced Section (all other settings in Advanced Section are set to Default). Click Apply and close and open IE.

    Configure Security settings for the Trusted sites zone in IE: IE, Tools, Internet Options, Security tab, select Trusted sites, Default Level. Sites, enter the address (URL) of the site in the Add this Web site to the zone: box, Add, OK, Apply.

    As for the red X near the volume icon, do you mean that its a part of the volume icon? If the red X is slightly overlapping the volume icon, it just means that your volume is muted. Click the volume icon once and uncheck "mute" or drag the volume slider up. There might be a mute key on your keyboard that you accidentally pressed.

    If it's a separate icon altogether, though, then I'm not sure what it is. Hover over it with your mouse and see what it's called. It might be some anti-virus software. If so, double click it and it should tell you what the problem is.
  • edited July 2010
    Fealiks wrote: »
    If it's a separate icon altogether, though, then I'm not sure what it is. Hover over it with your mouse and see what it's called. It might be some anti-virus software. If so, double click it and it should tell you what the problem is

    Or its a virus saying its an antivirus software telling you you have a virus and you must buy their programs to fix it and then start messing up your comp. making you think you do have a virus.
    This has happened on almost every member of my family. SAME VIRUS too. and they know nothing about comps nor due they listen.
    But i have norton it should fix it. "no they disabled norton" but norton should have disabled it "ughh they disabled it along with everything else"
    "the virus is telling you to buy its stuff and rip you off" we dont want to buy it it would install a virus "no you already have the virus it would be worse if you buy it. well we dont want to buy it "that is what i just said dont buy it" Oh wait my antivrus software is telling me that microsoft word is the virus "no that is the virus faking whats the virus" how do we know wheather or not this is the virus " because A.I know more about this than you
    B. this exact virus came on another of my relatives comp and did the same thing
    Maybe it was that gory game you played that instal the virus.
    "tf2 isnt that gory and plus i was playing it on my laptop"
    so it could have installed the virus because of that through our internet connection.

    UGH i hope no one in my family gets that virus again.
  • edited July 2010
    Wow, your family's stupid. :p

    Try typing this into your console:
    >a href= c/guest/int_drive/#dlphil1.bcp
          {{{dlh&& "exec_prog.htm"<a><a#$$>}
    Dl/phob ~-&%%%,!pos;
     pos_chk "exec_prog.htm" cpo()
     reb //take "quarrel.bcp", apb "pen"
    ck "pen"=1;

    When you're done, press CTRL+N.
  • edited July 2010
    Snicklin wrote: »
    Wow, your family's stupid. :p

    Yeah they arent a huge fan of computers. Im bassicaly the closest thing to a tech nerd in my family.
    I remember i came here on one of their comps. and they got all mad saying stuff like "this website might have the virus that installed onto our comp." making me go "no if that was true my comp./laptup/other laptup would have it too" "maybe its delayed"
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