Episode 2 is pretty slick.

edited January 2007 in Sam & Max
Upon finishing the second episode, I am starting to feel the slickness of the game, although the puzzles are quite straight forward, but the overall game design is better then the first episode. Every piece fits together quite nicely. Enough said, I hope the coming episodes will be just as slick as the second one, and the puzzles being more complicated. :)


  • edited January 2007
    Yeah, the puzzles may be too easy, i found these ones to be pretty good actually. I don't know, they just kind of... fit VERY well.... someone on another thread allready mentioned an exemple, about the very last one, and how it re-used things from the previous ones... But i thought that even the "main part" of the game, within the TV studio, was very well done.
  • edited January 2007
    Yeah, the overall feel of the game is pretty solid.

  • edited January 2007
    yes too slick. I like getting stuck a bit.
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