Looking for a couple old games(11th Hour, 7th Guest)
Is there anywhere to play either of these games online or CD/DVD versions compatible with Window Vista or Windows 7? As I was buying Sam and Max and looking at Tales of Monkey Island it really took me back and I remembered these being some of my earliest games, and what really gets me is that I could never finish them because of computer issues back then. Any help would be awesome and thank you.
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If amazon doesn't have it, then it doesn't exist
Er... no.
EBay has quite a few listings for both. It's probably your best bet, and is your best bet in general when looking for old games.
Of course, YMMV. Old games are finicky as hell. I've had the same game refuse to run on one machine, but run beautifully on a 100% identical one.
The 7th Guest runs in ScummVM.
The 7th Guest had a Windows 95/98 version that was put out in a jewel case a few years back, and I picked that up. I haven't tested it out on Windows 7, but it was great on XP. I hope it'll run - I'll keep ScummVM in the back of my mind for it.
I try to play the 7th Guest every few years...it was one of the first games my dad ever bought when we got a PC (After Monkey Island and Loom CDs), and I remember playing it with my dad a lot when I was 7 or 8. Even to this day it still gives me the shivers - the atmosphere is great. The 11th Hour...ehhh, not so much. Still good though.
Actually... I don't think it is. Those are on Amazon, they just aren't the version he/she wants.
I did find Windows 95/98 versions on Amazon, some are upwards of $80, but also a few for much cheaper. Even being 95/98 versions I should still expect some issues right, on an XP laptop(like the issue Armand1880 had)? Again thanks for all the input, I really appreciate the helpfulness on these boards.
Armand1880, what was the program you used to slow CPU output?
Want to respond to this also, just to say that if there is a way to play online without disks I would be interested.
I don't believe either of the games you're looking for are available anywhere for (legal) download. The company that made them is pretty much out of the gaming business now, so who knows if that will ever change.
And if you use either DosBox or ScummVM you don't really need to worry about CPU throttling as it is done automatically.
Very easy to use, made the game playable.
The Windows 98 version of 7th Guest actually had a launcher and install shield, while the 11th Hour version that said Win 98 was actually just the dos based game - I was very disappointed. But if ScummVM gets going with 11th Hour comparability...it'll make my day!
It looks like you can still get the patches for both T7G and T11H at http://www.tbyte.com/downloads/ but I can't vouch for the safety of the files there; the domain seems to be owned by a different company now. ScummVM is probably the better option.
Note also that the original version of T7G could be configured to play in a "ghost-vision" mode or something like that. The effect was that noninteractive scenery was tinted blue, making the puzzle items pop out more. Anyway, the Windows patch doesn't support this mode. Presumably playing the original DOS version under DOSBox does.