S&M Ep2 bug?

edited January 2007 in Game Support
After finishing the game and watching the end credits, I can't click on the arrow to bring down the menu. I play in a window, so this is no problem really.. I can just click the X to quit or whatever. I tried it in full screen as well, though, and had the same problem.. so I had to go through the alt-tab shtick to achieve the result.

Can live with it since it happens after everything is done and over.. but.. still not supposed to happen, I'll assume.


  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2007
    Thanks for the info. Some people reported this bug in episode 1, too.

    Are you able to access the menu by pressing Esc?
  • edited January 2007
    Nope, escape doesn't work either.

    Ep1 worked flawless for me.. odd that this one has the problem and the other doesn't.
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