A couple S&M 304 bugs...

edited July 2010 in Game Support
First of all, all the options say they're activated by the triangle button. Since I'm playing on the PC, that obviously isn't right, and even if this were the PS3, I'm pretty sure triangle doesn't do everything. Just a minor quibble since I already know the controls by heart.

Also, I was in the secret underground spoilery area full of spoilery things I probably shouldn't mention yet, and I Rhinoplastied Max, and he vanished after he changed back. He's still THERE, and his gun amusingly hovers there in mid-air when I try to shoot at other spoilery things, but his model has vanished.


  • edited July 2010
    I found a bit of a bug in the Boscotech lab when you first get in. If you use Futurevision of Harry Moleman, he says "It's a miracle!" at the edge of the table and then you see him move swiftly back to the side of the room where he normally stands.

    Subtitle bug when you click the
    chalk drawing of the cake. Sam says "life-like", but the subs say "like-like"
  • edited July 2010
    I found one in the clone chamber
    When you send Stinky over her white eye balls are floating to the upper left and right corners of her head.
  • edited July 2010
    another two:
    mind read stink while she's on the platform, you will teleport back to the main cloning area. Or if you slap max so he flies in the air, he returns to the main area.
  • edited July 2010
    Here are a few more. Pics and spoilers aplenty:

    * Making Max a Toycar in the lab makes him vanish
    * Musicless-ness second level of Bosco Tech (and first if transformed in toy car there).
    * They toycar rhinoplasty often appears inside of Charlie
    * In a future vision with Flint Paper and Stinky, Max suddenly appears saying his line, still in Max modus:
    * In the future vision where Max slaps Sam with a Hammer, in reality he suddenly holds an hammer too :).
    * Typo's: Sal's cake "Cake is like-like (instead of life-like)" and Momma Bosco: available in misspelled once. Also when back at the docks (following the clones) Max says "dogglganger" instead of "doggleganger".
    * Exiting Papierwaite's office by teleportation, then going back by tunnel shows Sam&Max leaving the office before suddenly spawning at the tunnel exit.
    * Future vision still shows Sam's kiss even after it's done. Not so future, eh? XP
    * After using mind reading on Stinky on her new location (the platform) going to Sam mode teleports you back downstairs to the control panel (you can even see sam&max in the distance during the read). Vice versa, trying to shoot her from downstairs magically gets you on the platform.
    * Select the platform in the middle, select stinky (so you get spawned there), then using the platform down I suddenly get stuck floating in midair. Selecting back gets me to normal though :?.
    * Statue - Statue voice and Toybox- Junior voice don't have subtitles.
  • edited July 2010
    These make the game nearly unplayable. I've also had a bunch of instances where mid sentence the characters would appear in another location, while climbing the
    statue of liberty
    , for example, Max would say one line
    while on the rib/tablet, then for the immediate following one, he would be on the ground, and then I would regain control over him, he would be on the ribs again
    . It yanks you out of the experience like crazy.

    How will I ever know if these are ever patched? Where would I see a build version number? Do you guys even patch games after release? Short of inserting Earl Boen's voice or fixing bad sound compression, I don't think I've heard of or noticed new builds released that fix glitchiness of this nature.

    Not that this level of ugly ever happened before.

    Is this happening to just a few people, or is some sort of universal crappiness that people seem to be taking in stride?
  • edited July 2010
    It's miles better than 302 or 303 already...
  • edited July 2010
    Kingsley wrote: »
    These make the game nearly unplayable. I've also had a bunch of instances where mid sentence the characters would appear in another location, while climbing the
    statue of liberty
    , for example, Max would say one line
    while on the rib/tablet, then for the immediate following one, he would be on the ground, and then I would regain control over him, he would be on the ribs again
    . It yanks you out of the experience like crazy.

    How will I ever know if these are ever patched? Where would I see a build version number? Do you guys even patch games after release? Short of inserting Earl Boen's voice or fixing bad sound compression, I don't think I've heard of or noticed new builds released that fix glitchiness of this nature.

    Not that this level of ugly ever happened before.

    Is this happening to just a few people, or is some sort of universal crappiness that people seem to be taking in stride?

    They do sort of patch games for bugs after release. You have to re-download and re-install them, but they do update them. They just do it very quietly, for some reason.

    EDIT: And really, those bugs are not really a big deal. It may take away some of the immersion, but it is far from making it unplayable.
  • edited July 2010
    Power46 wrote: »
    EDIT: And really, those bugs are not really a big deal. It may take away some of the immersion, but it is far from making it unplayable.

    These are on top of the ones outlined above by others. I went into some more detail of other annoying bugs et related at another forum.
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