New CSI game

Will there be another CSI game anytime soon? I can't get enough of the show. Any idea when the next game will be?


  • edited July 2010
    Maybe sooner than we expect:
    Next month (late August, early september) they finish Sam & Max season 3.
    Back to the Future will start this winter (that's northern hemisphere winter, from mid-December to mid-March)
    Maybe a CSI game in-between? Usually, new CSI games had been released on Autumn/Fall, to be ready for the Christmas caimpaign... so, why not?
  • edited July 2010
    What, no love for NCIS? Personally I'd prefer Telltale's priority to be Bone than CSI.
  • edited July 2010
    Telltale no longer have the rights to make Bone games. With the new movie forthcoming, no doubt Warner Bros have another game studio lined up to tackle the licence (likely a 3D platformer like most Movie Tie-Ins these days...).
  • edited July 2010
    jp-30 wrote: »
    Telltale no longer have the rights to make Bone games. With the new movie forthcoming, no doubt Warner Bros have another game studio lined up to tackle the licence (likely a 3D platformer like most Movie Tie-Ins these days...).

    I'm aware they no longer have the license and that WB is going to squander it on a worthless platformer. I'm just hoping for the best, until I can find an email address for WB.
  • edited July 2010
    With all the cast changes going on, the game is probably going to be long outdated by the time it comes out.
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